Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

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Texaco Shirley
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Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

Post by Texaco Shirley »

OK, it’s nearly March but better late than never for a new Jillian Michaels thread.

Killer Abs done. It’s still not what I’d call killer but I could feel it a bit more. Most of the moves are simple enough to follow so at least I can put some effort in. I have been following newbie Nicola (another annoying little pixie but not quite so much as Dahlia) so I may need to start adding more weight. I’ll stick with level 1 at least for next week though.
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Re: Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

Post by Disco »

Good work on the abs and the thread!

I've done Hard Body level 1. It was a good calorie burn despite me viewing today's first go as a run through. Some of the moves - while not complex at all - were slightly different to ones we've done before so I had to take a mo to watch what goes where. I think I'll be doing this for three weeks before progressing to level 2.
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Re: Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

Post by Texaco Shirley »

Good work. Is that half an hour as well?
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Re: Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

Post by Disco »

45 mins
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Re: Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

Post by Mountain Goat »

New thread! :disco: How is Hard Body, difficulty-wise?

Ripped L4, D1: A lot of standing around trying to work out what goes where (and a few moves with a lot of different steps that you only repeat a couple of times, so take a bit of time to get used to) and a lot of sneezing, but generally ok. If you take away the sneezing, I'd say it's not any more difficult than L3 (which was bloody difficult, mind), though naturally I've forgotten everything about it already. I may feel differently when there's no standing around looking puzzled.
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Re: Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

Post by Disco »

Kind of not difficult at all/ as difficult as you want it to be. Which is a bit of a non-answer I realise. I definitely find other dvds of hers harder but there was still an element of working out what goes where for some - a couple of - moves today. BUT the moves aren't complicated/ wtf goes where like 1WS. I dunno. I like it but I wonder if that's because I find it easy.

Bless you.
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Re: Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

Post by Mountain Goat »

I would quite like an easy one now. :mrgreen:

I am taking back everything I just said about level 4, having tried to hold the shower head over me just now and finding it quite challenging.
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Re: Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

Post by Disco »

I think the "ease" is telling me I need to work harder :)) and I lost my balance a few times - a lot - on some things so didn't do the full quota of reps so that will account for feeling less challenging.

See, I want to feel like that! And I don't think I will from today's workout.
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Re: Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

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It was quite pleasing, as I didn't feel like I had worked THAT hard (due to the first time/watching aspect) but clearly something had kicked in.
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Texaco Shirley
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Re: Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

Post by Texaco Shirley »

I find the same with killer abs, there are very few movements where I actually feel any pain. I’m still on level 1 and I could definitely increase the weight though so I will reserve judgment for now.
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Re: Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

Post by Texaco Shirley »

I’ve had to rearrange my week thanks to a football match so I ran today and need to fit in killer abs tomorrow which could be tricky given that I’m already having to fit L’s orthodontist appt, A’s football match and a PSA meeting around work and tea.
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Re: Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

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Oh god, sometimes it's such a battle isn't it. I'd be sacking that off (in the spirit of the new thread title :lol: )

I forgot to say, I noticed yesterday that I bizarrely suddenly look thinner. I know sometimes it takes me getting to a certain point for it to be noticeable but it's quite weird to not really have noticed anything all week and suddenly see myself on Sunday and go "oh!". :mrgreen: Obviously this is not visible to anyone around me yet, you'd have to take an abnormally strong interest in my more unfortunate areas of flesh to notice.
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Re: Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

Post by Texaco Shirley »

Well done. I suddenly noticed how visible my ribs were recently and it was a bit of a shock :lol: Obviously I still have the unshiftable stomach podge.
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Re: Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

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Ribs! I'm not even convinced I own any. :mrgreen:

I'm scheduled to run today and it's a nice day but I'm wary of evacuating the park if I have an unstoppable sneezing fit (likely). I may quarantine myself for the day and do another Ripped. Though my arms and shoulders! Jesus. I thought they had been DOMS-ed out by previous things, but oh no. I'm not even keen on picking up this coffee cup. Legs are fine despite circuit 1 being relentless on the quads. My quads didn't enjoy that at the time but they're totally nonchalant about it now.
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Re: Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

Post by Texaco Shirley »

My arms and shoulders have been nonchalant about everything else since NMTZ circuit 4 (sumo squats with overhead tricep dip followed by surrenders).
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Re: Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

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Ow. I had to google surrenders (I thought the name was familiar and I had done them, but no). Ow.
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Re: Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

Post by Texaco Shirley »

They really feel like they’re achieving something :lol:
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Re: Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

Post by Mountain Goat »

The bastards.

Chataranga push ups, those things where you go from a plank on elbows to on hands, one hand at a time, and the thing in a plank with weights doings push ups on the weights ARE WHAT I BLAME FOR THE STATE OF ME TODAY. When showering and drinking coffee are problematic, you know she's gone too far this time. (I'm kind of excited about doing it again :l: )
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Re: Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

Post by Disco »

There are surrenders in Hard Body.

Oh god, goat those things are bloody hard! I forgot about those! The chatarangas.
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Re: Definitely not just phoning it in 2020

Post by Mountain Goat »

They are, and you also do push ups in plank while holding the weights which is really similar, so both together is a killer. :cry: :disco:
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