Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

Hop! :love: She's scheming for sure.

Thanks for the soft play reassurance! I think you're both right that it's the cleanest it'll ever be. Plus I know last summer when things opened back up I was totally ridiculous about not doing anything so I'm trying to be more zen about things, especially as they're old enough now to be affected by being cooped up and not seeing people.

I'm totally not looking forward to the constant illness at nursery. They've both caught colds from an outdoor playgroup and I'd forgotten how much of a pain it is to try and constantly wipe them while they scream like they're being tortured. :lol:

That's a really lovely idea of getting Hop baby doll stuff for her birthday. I bet she'll love the big sister role. From that picture, she'll definitely enjoy keeping her in line. ;)

Mine have never gone swimming so I need to take them too, but I can't be arsed at the moment as a lot of places here don't have changing rooms open so you have to leave in a towel which sounds not worth it. FWIW, I never bothered with a maternity swimsuit last time and just got a bikini in a bigger size.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Leap »

Oh that is so interesting Bea. I think I’m at risk of overdoing the “preparation” because it really is a background worry for me. Some of it is practical, e.g. I always do bedtime, so we need to start mixing that up so it isn’t a sudden change when the baby is here. But other things I think I’m at risk of being overbearing or even freaking her out too early.

The way you introduced A to M sounds lovely. I’m sure it’s still unlikely Hop will be able to come to the hospital when no. 2 arrives, so I do want to have a vague plan that involves the basic advice about not holding the baby when she first meets her etc. Obviously my mother dismissed this immediately when I mentioned it, as she can’t even remember what she did and we turned out fine :blah: but at the very least I don’t think putting a little bit of thought into it can hurt! Especially when she’ll meet her in her own home rather than on neutral ground.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by lorri_b »

I'm taking this as one of the very few pros of having a 14 month age gap when I have the baby. C won't really have much of a clue.

Bringing home C to my boys was one of the best moments. R (4) ran over shouting 'he is real! He is really real!'.

I think the idea of a doll around is really good, Leap. And hopefully Hop can adapt slowly when the baby is still small and sleepy. HV also recommended getting the older child to help out and feel included, like fetching a nappy when asked.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

He is really real. :love:

That must be a relief to have potty training nailed. I find the nappies less annoying than I thought I would but I'm still looking forward to being done with them, but I'm not even thinking about it at the moment as they don't seem anywhere near ready.

They're still being really lovely and it's fascinating to see their language develop and get some more insight into what makes them tick. I explained to Tim what his Duplo pelican crossing meant the other day which he found bizarrely amusing and kept repeating 'don't walk!' and giggling to himself. One of Topsy's favourite things is a one woman hide and seek, where she hides, counts, and then leaps out saying 'I found you!'.

Tim has been keeping us on our toes with putting corn up his nose (luckily just managed to get it out ourselves), and having to get an ambulance to hospital to get steroids for croup which meant he could barely breathe. They've also both had several colds recently, which means that sleep has totally gone to shit, and Tim had started having night terrors. I think we might need to sleep train properly again, but they're starting nursery next week so I'm going to leave it for a bit so there's not too many big changes at once.

How's everyone else doing?

Has anyone got any good tips for healthy, non messy post nursey snacks? Apparently they do two proper meals, but they're at 11 and 3 so I think we're still going to have to feed them when they get home, but I'd prefer to avoid something that requires the rigmarole of highchairs and bibs etc.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by F'Artiste »

I’d go for picky food for post nursery snacks. A2 has his tea between 3-4, and his nursery seem to give him extras as he never wants much dinner at home.

How about vegetable sticks (pepper, cucumber, carrots, tomatoes), cheese cubes with flatbread and hummus (if they eat that!). Or plain chicken with vegetables and rice (although rice is pretty messy! :doh: ).

We sometimes offer A2 toast with beans and hot dogs as a quick post nursery meal treat, but beans are pretty messy as well.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

Good phases getting longer is definitely something to hold onto!

M and A both sound lovely! Especially the snuggles. Does M keep you in line if you're not sticking to the rules? :lol:

We're well into tantrums now. Yesterday there was a meltdown because they wanted me to draw stuff for them and I wasn't doing it fast enough. :lol: the other day there were a lot of big feelings because I blew my nose in a different room (they're weirdly fascinated by it).

Thanks for the snack ideas. I have savages so beans and houmous get plastered all over faces and hair, but cheese cubes and veggie sticks are a good shout.

I've never given them actual nuts (just nut butters so far) but that would be great for a non messy protein. Are there any rules on chopping them up now or can they just have them as they are?
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Leap »

I still halve and sometimes quarter grapes, but I’m haunted by that TGI Friday story (I don’t even know the details, just TGI Friday + whole grape + toddler). I also cut up strawberries for her but that’s more because she’s such an eating machine, more bits means slightly more time in the chair (and tricks her into thinking she’s having a bigger portion).

11 and 3 feel like such weird main eating times! Hop eats lunch at nursery at 11.30, with snacks before and after, and dinner would be 5 if we didn’t pick her up before then. Snacks for us are usually oatcakes, babybel, raisins etc as I definitely also favour minimal mess at those times.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

We do lunch at 11 at home, but tea isn't normally until 5. I guess they do it really early so they've all eaten before they're picked up maybe? But I wonder how much they would actually eat at this time.

That's reassuring about cutting things up. I still do grape, sausage and cherry tomatoes as I read horror stories about all of those. Oh, and I pre-squish blueberries which I'm sure is unnecessary. I give strawberries whole, but Tim won't eat them at all. Occasionally he tries them and does a complete face of disgust which is staggering considering he's only had really lovely ripe British ones.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Froozy »

I'd chop up nuts like Hazlenuts because they are the perfect shape and consistency to block an airway. Cashews feel safer because of their shape and being softer/more crumbly.

(I think the TGF story might have been a 5yo in Manchester. It stuck with me because they're 'meant' to be safe by that age.)
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Leap »

Oh that’s good to know so I know how long I’ll be cutting grapes for. Probably at least 10 years at this rate! ;) And was it Jupiter who witnessed/intervened in a lollipop incident too (thankfully with a better ending)? I’m very relaxed about lots of aspects of parenting, but some things really stick with you, don’t they.

Speaking of which, Bea :bob:
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by lorri_b »

It's really nice to read about everyone enjoying their children (at the moment!). They are such fun ages I think.

My boys were so hungry after nursery they had a proper dinner still annoyingly. What about chopped boiled egg, sliced veg omelette, olives or whole prawns?

I'm also wary about choking and still chop grapes for my 5 year old.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

Awww she sounds lovely. I would like to see this owl if you'd like to share. :)

My two are generally being pretty adorable, albeit with some tantrums/attacking each other and me. They're really getting into imaginative play, so yesterday afternoon spend a while in a tent play acting bath and bedtime. We've just got them a little table and chairs set so they like to sit up and have tea parties.

Topsy is singing all the time which is very cute, and Tim has become obsessed with bees and wasps. We've got a big lavender plant just outside the back door which often has bees and he loves to watch and try to poke them. At the weekend I did them a picnic lunch in the garden and there was a wasp and he was in hysterics giggling at it for some reason.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

She's gorgeous! And does have lovely big eyes. I really like her dungarees too.

I'm glad M wasn't bothered by being stung, I've been worried about that with Tim but so far have gone with 'bees like to be looked at but not to be poked' rather than talking about them hurting him as I don't want to give him a phobia!
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

My hardest one is dogs. ;)
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Morganna »

Beatrix wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 8:30 pm Thank you.

Yes navigating things like that is tricky. I have to pretend I’m fine about spiders, and the like, when I’m really not!
I hate spiders, and in an attempt not to pass this on I used to 'save them for Daddy' when I could catch one under a glass. He would come in and pretend to be delighted that I had saved one for him to look at before showing them the door.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Leap »

Aw Morgs, I love that :hbeat: I’m not fussed about spiders but also won’t catch them myself, so we mainly marvel at them together and let them scurry off. We have a “don’t touch, just wave” mantra for all wee beasties which my stepdad annoyingly tried to undermine one day when I said it when my nephew picked up an earthworm in front of Hop. I presume he thought I was being hysterical about an icky worm (“It’s fine! It won’t hurt anyone!”) when the point for me is obviously mainly the opposite. I spent many summers digging for worms :snooty: but a 2 year old’s grip is set only to squish mode.

Little blonde A :love2: 11 months already! I keep thinking we just need to get through this next 12 months :lol: but I’ve been looking back at pictures and videos of Hop from that first year and reminding myself how much fun so much of it was after the feeding and general chaos settled down a bit.

Like T&T, Hop is mostly adorable just now, I think it’s a brilliant stage and love to hear about your two getting on so well together Ken. I love talking to her and hearing the little things she has to say, especially what she’s taken away from nursery or that morning’s activity. She definitely has some big feelings bubbling away and erupting from time to time, but we seem to managing through them okay and I think we’ve set groundwork as best we can for when the baby’s here.

I am a bit woeful at the moment about the things I’m not able to do with her because of my various preg related size, discomfort or ailments, but at least for the times when I can’t do the lovely thing I want to do (even just simple things like walks, park, high energy playing etc), she is just as happy if not more so with the alternative, i.e. cuddling on the sofa watching the aforementioned videos of herself :lol: The tiny narcissist. I was thrilled when I read an article somewhere recently that said this was a good tool to help prepare her for a sibling - that was obviously my aim all along and not just the chance to sit quietly for a while :look:

And yes, this time next week the baby should be here :fc: I’ll be 39+1 if all goes to plan and I am so ready. I’m just staying positive about the outlook of the section and hopefully getting home quickly, to start our life as a family of 4 :love2:
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

I thought you meant having three children for a minute there and was thinking that you'd casually done a secret baby. ;)

I'm glad Hop is doing well, she looks like such a grown-up at her dad's birthday! It's really hard when you feel like you're not being the best parent, but as you say, I'm sure she's enjoying this more laid back time with you just as much as she would if you were haring around a playground with her. And if she does ever remember it, I bet she'll look back fondly as an extra cuddly time.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

How are all the tiniest hatchlings doing? And the less so tiny?

Topsy and Tim are two tomorrow, I can't quite believe it. We're going to Peppa Pig World to celebrate. 🐷

This is what they've been up to in nursery today on their last day as one year olds.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by lorri_b »

Happy birthday T&T! Would recommend doing Paultons in the morning if they can possible wait! We went this week and Peppa Pig world was pretty packed in the morning but quieter in the afternoon. Either way, have a lovely time.

Great news that A did well at nursery. We are having to hold off sending C, mainly due to justifying the cost when I'm on mat leave again in a month.

C is so lovely at the moment. He has learnt how to do open mouthed kisses so we are getting lots of those.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

Awww, he's so gorgeous. I love those full on snog kisses. :lol:

We actually deliberately got them into Peppa Pig so they'd be excited about Peppa Pig World as it's so nearby. :lol: I'm planning to do a little bit first thing, then do some other stuff, and then come back in the afternoon.

That's so lovely about A at nursery, no tears at all is brilliant and the sock hiding is very cute. And clever M!
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