The USA, Ukraine and Russia

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The USA, Ukraine and Russia

Post by Lily »

And the rest of us.

I'm watching Threads and it is feeling a little prescient especially when they say Russia claims the USA were being provocative.

I don't really know if Biden has lost the plot, or thinks this might be a great way of getting rid of Trump, or if he's stopped caring.

On the plus side, it might bring us closer to the EU again. Not sure how but we might all group together somehow.

Should we worry? Interested in your thoughts...
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Re: The USA, Ukraine and Russia

Post by Morganna »

I tend to think that if Putin meant to nuke us all he would have done it by now, as his 'red lines' have been stepped over several times and all he's done is rattle his sabre. Also, he can't act alone, and his advisors/sidekicks will know that as soon as the button is pressed they are dead, so I I am cautiously optimistic that we'll survive for a while yet :)).

I suspect that Biden has acted now for strategic reasons, and that Trump will reverse the permissions when he takes power so that he can say he sorted the war in 24 hours, or whatever he said he'd do.

Putin is struggling against Ukraine - he can't take on NATO with any hope of success. Trump wants Europe to pay its share, which is fair enough really. They/we will have to, so there will be more weapons or troops, which will make us safer. I can't believe I am saying this - I used to be in CND :look:.

We've been here before (eg Threads, Protect and Survive and When The Wind Blows, all of which terrified me in my younger days) and are still here to tell the tale.

I'm not saying anyone (as in any world leaders) can rest on their laurels - these are definitely dangerous times - but I'm not about to build a bunker. I think that cyber attacks and similar disruptions are more likely than a military war. I have an emergency box that's been in the cupboard for ages. It has a primus stove, battery operated lanterns, first aid, water purifiers and so on in it, but it's intended for any sort of emergency, not a war, and I always have a stash of bottled water and dried food such as lentils and pasta. I might check that everything in the box still works and look at whether to add anything - I think some cash might be useful in case banks are targeted, for instance, and I never have any actual money these days. I think it's wise to know that if 'something' happens (not a nuclear attack but disruption to power, supply chain issues or the internet going down) you can cope for a couple of days. Otherwise it's business as usual, as there's absolutely nothing we can do, and worrying is bad for us.
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Re: The USA, Ukraine and Russia

Post by Lily »

What a brilliant post Morgs. Thank you so much, I really needed to read that. Very sensible.

I had to stop watching Threads last night. I didn't expect it to get so graphic because it was made in The Old Days.
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Re: The USA, Ukraine and Russia

Post by Topcat »

Threads is absolutely brilliant. As grim as it gets, but brilliant.

I don't fear nuclear war but I do fear Trump ending the US assistance to Ukraine which will then make Europe look like the sole aggressor, especially if the orange rapists then begins to support Putin's claims.
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Re: The USA, Ukraine and Russia

Post by FiveO'Clock »

I agree with everything Morgs said. And when Trump won the election, our first thought and biggest fear is the lack of support for Ukraine. Biden hasn't lost the plot and there's no way he doesn't care. It's all strategic and I hope it helps.

I was just talking with Mr5 last night about planning for supply chain issues, power cuts, etc.. He thinks I'm a prepper-wanna be, but I do think it's a valid concern.
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Re: The USA, Ukraine and Russia

Post by Lily »

That is another comforting post, thank you Five. I still can't quite believe this is real and that Trump is President again.

I finished Threads a few nights ago. I did wonder why anyone bothered trying to stay alive, given that it was a particularly joyless existence afterwards.
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