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Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 3:21 pm
by olive
smalex wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 2:36 pm He was actually mildly hysterical. We both laughed a lot.
I love that. :))

We’re still plodding along with our live classes. School wraps up in 2 weeks for us and T has 4 projects due. :ruby: One is a song/ rap in Spanish.

I’m actually going to miss the structure of school work come the holidays.

I also took T for a socially distant lunch with his best friend yesterday. We took our own lunch and camping chairs to their yard and both boys were so happy. I’m taking M to his best friends tomorrow for a similar lunch. Being able to chat face to face made such a difference and I figure they’ll need to get used to keeping physically apart if school starts back up again in August.

Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 3:50 pm
by Topcat

Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 3:56 pm
by Kleio
That is genius!

Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 4:02 pm
by olive
:lol: ingenious!

Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 4:04 pm
by Pippedydeadeye
They’d have got away with too, if only it was spelled right.

Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 4:12 pm
by Luce
smalex wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 2:36 pm He was actually mildly hysterical. We both laughed a lot.
I love this.

Funnily enough, we're not coming close to filling a day, not really even trying. A vague routine works really nicely for us but then we have days like today where we've just sacked it off and made them do non-screen things.

We do PE every day, about 10.30ish. Then a few school tasks before lunch. Lunch takes a couple of hours if you include eating and then playing out on their bikes. Then a few school tasks in the afternoon before the telly goes back on about 3.30.

Theo has learnt to properly ride his bike through all this, which is ace. They're on their bikes multiple times a day.

Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 11:03 am
by Kleio
Rob Biddulph is attempting a world record at 4pm to have the most people join him in an art lesson.

Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 11:05 am
by Heebie Jeebie
Topcat wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 3:50 pm Screenshot_20200513_155002.jpg
I'm totally going to try that on my work calls.

Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 2:43 pm
by smalex
The end of the of piste Artists project.
Pollack, Hirst, Da Vinci, Mondrian, Matisse, Warhol, Seurat, Van Gogh, Picasso, Dali (why yes, that is a hat on a bottle of smirnoff :lol: ), Moore.

Need to think of something else for after half term. It's the only bit of home school I actually enjoy :mrgreen:

Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 2:56 pm
by Loralei
That's great!

Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 2:57 pm
by wendy james
That's excellent smal (and W)!

We're joining Rob Biddulph later.

Sproglette got Star Learner this week. I get the impression her teacher reinstated it for home schooling to try to motivate other children in the class. She's alluded to only a couple of children doing the work set for them, and there's only a handful of children appearing in the weekly presentation (photos of children doing work-set and non work-set activities). I'm torn between feeling we can stop sending pictures in now and feeling like we should continue just to keep the teacher's spirits up. :lol:

Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 3:17 pm
by Flora Poste
Well done Sproglette! Our Yr 4 weekly gallery only had about 6 people in it this week, including the head's son :mog: This is out of a year of 130-150.

Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 6:20 pm
by Kleio
They are fab Smal! He looks so pleased with them!

The pictures people are putting up of the Rob Biddulph whales are making me laugh. So many clearly haven’t been done by the kids.

Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 7:59 pm
by ParisGal
Have you seen this article? I don't know what shambles of a school is sending out this sort of ridiculous long, terribly edited list of questions for a subject that surely can only be taught by a seasoned teacher when face-to-face. Does personal/social education class usually involve homework of any kind? I thought the whole point of those classes was to have the teacher there to mediate discussion and thoroughly stamp out any misconceptions (hur hur!).

Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 8:28 pm
by Ruby
It's pretty appalling. :lol: It has all the hallmarks of, "oh just give Persephone, the NQT, the PSHE to do. At least she can't fuck that up - she can just download something from TES." "Wait. She's done what?!"

Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 8:38 pm
by emma_p
Oh Hull in the news again. But yes, so inappropriate.

Actually I’ve been very impressed with G’s school’s PHSE tasks. They’ve been well thought out.

Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 3:04 pm
by purple_dress
J hates PHSE so much :lol: One week he was supposed to fill a whole sheet with things he missed about school and he couldn't think of anything, even with prompting.

I was annoyed by this week's which was about qualities that make a good friend and one of them was 'I always put the needs of others before my own'. I changed it to 'I always think about the needs of others as well as my own'.

Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 3:06 pm
by Flora Poste
We've progressed from opening the PSHE work and not doing it, to not even bothering to open the folder.

Actually, A has been doing her own stuff and there was a day she kept asking me how I was and could she help with anything. Looking back, I think that might have been PSHE about kindness :mog:

Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 7:53 am
by wendy james
That's sweet though Flora!

Sproglette WhatsApped me to tell say "Guess what I'm learning about in PHSE" :ella: ". "P-U-B-E-R-T-Y! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" :lol:

This half term Y1 were set a week's worth of work, to be done by the children on the week at home rotation. That meant those children at home had a week's worth of English and Maths tasks to do over two weeks. They've now said they can't do it any more but the Trust will be setting something (that our school teachers won't be available to support). It makes sense from a resource perspective but I can't be arsed getting used to something new for a few weeks. Elvis hasn't had a laptop this week after I sent it back for exchange and she's filling an hour or so with Bitesize Geography/History/Science everyday and some reading.

Sproglette's Y4 teacher is covering Y6 this term and seems to be desperately still making herself available for video calls for her class whenever she can. Last week's got cancelled though and we got a voicemail from the deputy saying there'd been a mistake and it was her planning time, not free time for video calls. She sent a message saying she might have a couple of hours today, but I spoke with Sproglette and we've agreed that whilst she'd like to see her teacher, she doesn't need help so we'll leave the slots for others. She's still doing all her set work, including the weekly DCT task to cook something (P is thrilled :lol: ), but even she's realized that she won't see have any time with her teacher again. :(

Re: Homeschooling Help

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 10:09 pm
by Kleio
Puberty :)) P will have fun with that one!

I'm so surprised the school/Trust aren't providing work. Surely that will just make any gap between the school attendees and the ones staying at home even bigger.

Ours have said that they'll be sending the work home that the children are doing in School and I've heard the Y6s are pretty bored as they've only got 1 or 2 hours of work a day.

The quality of the stuff being sent home has nosedived I must admit. It did seem to be well thought out (most of the time) and was teacher made but now it's all twinkl sheets and stuff from bastard Odizzi but I'm not complaining due to how much is going on in school.