Lockdown (And Beyond) Hatchlings

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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by Loralei »

I asked the Head to call me and we had a good chat. She said that most of the staff have been at home since lockdown began and several are extremely nervous about returning. The best way to ensure everyone felt comfortable was to ensure that they only come into contact with one bubble of >10 children. They've decided on 8 per bubble as the maximum safe number of 11 year old sized people in a classroom, which means 13 Y6s (as the number of requests from key workers has gone up. She said they had 65 requests, which dropped to less than 30 when they were asked for evidence. People are fuckers.) She went through all the alternatives they'd discussed to drawing lots (first to request, greatest need) and decided there was no truly fair way to do it. I am not sure I agree but at least I understand her logic. I've suggested she communicate it to all Y6 parents, which she really should have done from the off.
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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by Teasel »

N's school have been pretty good with communication and initially said they could only safely do key worker/vulnerable plus year 6 from 8th June. There was no reasoning given for why year 6 though. However the local authority have announced that they do not think the 5 tests have been met in our area so schools are to remain closed except for providing for key workers/vulnerable. It sounds like the numbers for this have gone up for N's school and they're going to organise them into bubbles that won't mix.

N has been in school for the last 2 weeks and has been mostly fine.
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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by Luce »

Smurf, don't Scottish schools usually finish for the summer before then? Are they extending the school year?
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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by Smunder Woman »

Luce wrote: Fri May 29, 2020 6:01 pm Smurf, don't Scottish schools usually finish for the summer before then? Are they extending the school year?
No, they were due to finish about 26th or so.
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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by Luce »

Ah, I see, so school for him will just be a possible couple of days before the 26th?

I can't wait to find out what our lives will look like. I'd quite like to know, now!
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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by Smunder Woman »

Yeah as far as I know. There are a few different stories going around though, as usual, so who knows :))
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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by Hobbes »

There has been no mention in Wales of when our schools will go back, just that it won’t be yet. Youngest is year 10, so they are the year that we’ve been told are likely to go back first.

Youngest has been doing quite well, but yesterday her best friend randomly biked past and left her a gift of a little bracelet and some chocolate, and they had a socially distant excited chat. Then an hour later she was having a little cry because she missed all her friends so much. :cry:

I’m keeping the eldest two reasonably happy with some nice booze and experimenting with cocktails. :lol: Eldest is busy finishing off her dissertation, which they have had an extension on, but middle child no longer has her A levels to revise for/sit, and has been furloughed from her retail job, so she just mostly sleeps!
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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by Heebie Jeebie »

Beebie's school, which usually starts back from summer a week later than all the others anyway, have emailed to let us know the first two days of term will be in service days so they can plan. I'm pretty pissed off. I get that they need to plan but can they not do that now?
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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by Loralei »

It's definitely a pain for parents but I do respect schools who are allowing their staff to have a holiday. Our school definitely has its failings (especially communication) but the Head and her two deputies have worked (taught) all through two half terms and Easter to account for the key workers' children while the other staff have a 'break' (still planning and marking), but I know other schools where the holidays have just been cancelled for staff. In addition to part time staff working more hours etc. I genuinely am sympathetic though, in case I dont sound it :uhh: especially as you are juggling a little one and a demanding job.
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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by Heebie Jeebie »

Oh I wouldn't expect them not to have their holidays. I'm more in awe than ever of teachers and what they do. I just think they could do a bit of planning now instead of waiting till August. I've been a bit peeved with the high volume of work set coupled with lack of support, but at least that will go away over the holidays.
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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by Kleio »

I think so much could change between now and August it would be difficult to plan for it now.
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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by Heebie Jeebie »

I'm not interested in being reasonable :mad: Actually if they had phrased it like that, planning for what has changed over summer, I'd have been more accepting. It does make sense :grudging:
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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by ParisGal »

My brother's been doing remote live teaching constantly (on google classrooms for the same amount of time as he'd be having real life lessons usually), but half term is still proper time off.
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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by emma_p »

Liv loved her first day back at school. She was in a bubble with her usual teacher and all her best friends and was buzzing on the way home. They had been told to wash their hands, take off their school clothes and put them in the wash as soon as they got home, so I let her have an ice lolly in the bath to cool down. George was so pleased to see her :love: (they usually bicker throughout the day :lol: )
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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by smalex »

I'm glad she enjoyed it Emma.
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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by Froozy »

That sounds great, Emma. Is she back because her year is open generally or do you have a k/w space?

Sam starts on Thursday and we find out which adults and kids he’ll be with tomorrow. For his age they’re planning 8 kids to 2 adults which frankly sounds amazing :love: At least three kids from his class are going back so hopefully they’ll all be together.
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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by emma_p »

She's in reception. I'm so relieved that they made it as normal as possible.
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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by Flora Poste »

I'm so pleased she enjoyed it Emma. Is she back full time?

It doesn't look like E will be back (Reception) before September. This was not taken well by a certain demographic of parent broadly in line with Ruby's theory :look: mainly because all other local schools seem to be getting their Reception children back - MPs and the local education authority have been brought in and there was even talk of contacting the press before they got talked down. They've had a meeting with the Head today anyway to discuss concerns.
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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by Little My »

Are you OK with it, Flora?

I'm glad Liv had a good first day back, it's nice to hear.

I have to collect children's school belongings later in the week. The teachers went in today to bag and label everything remaining, so we will be doing parking lot drop-offs/pick-ups. Then we have 3 more weeks of online schooling, and that will be that until September.
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Re: Lockdown Hatchlings

Post by emma_p »

Liv's back full time - days and hours totally as normal.

September Flora! :emme: That seems like such a long time. I hope you get some communication from the school.

Will there be any (online) camps, LM?
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