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Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 6:16 pm
by wendy james
Has he got you involved in any more projects Leap?

I’ve been making masks for a colleague and several pairs of leggings/shorts for the girls. Basically any stretch fabric has been reappropriated. Well, apart from the shiny gold stuff that unsurprisingly wasn’t already allocated a project (it was part of a remnants bag). :lol: They insisted on some leggings though.

Knitting wise, I’ve finished my sleeves and done the main pieces for a jumper for a 2 year olds birthday present. I’m currently doing a few wrist warmers then might start on a couple of baby things for a colleague.

Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 7:43 pm
by Leap
They look great! Wrist warmers would solve a lot of my winter issues.

He tried, but I asked for a break :lol: He runs a whisky blending business and suggested something about a label project, but I’m aiming for fun just now and this was very worky. I like it when it doesn’t matter too much.

I have made one of these though, as the pattern was a free download from and I had loads of materials left over from the project. This one is facing Out from the baby’s room as it seems distant enough that the neighbours won’t see the words :lol: I’m now just mindlessly sewing another one to keep my fingers busy.

Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 9:25 pm
by rosy

I cut some felt hearts and strung them up in the window:

Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 4:51 pm
by wendy james
I like both window decorations!

It’s basically a rectangle knitted in chunky and not full sewn up. Happy to share stitches/row amounts!

So the cardigan is finished. Background is I lost a ball of wool I needed for my crochet blanket and I got a great deal on 10+ balls rather than one. I bought a cardigan pattern just to use up the wool and did most of the single-piece patterned bit whilst travelling to London (a job I lost in November 2018 :lol: ). I’ve since made the girls an item each (one a cardigan, one a jumper) out of the stash and occasionally done a bit of work on mine. BUT IT’S FINALLY DONE!

I’m not massively keen on the buttonholes, as in I’d probably have done them more in the band than on the end, but I’m not redoing the band. :mrgreen:

Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 5:58 pm
by rosy
That’s gorgeous, Wendy!

Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 10:13 pm
by wendy james

I’ve sewn up the jumper while I was on a roll.

Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 10:21 pm
by Cerise
Glad you’ve got your crafting mojo, Wendy!

I’m working on this blanket now. The light’s a bit shite in here!

Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 10:30 pm
by Morganna
You are being really prolific, Wendy!

My mojo has gone a bit haywire. I will try to remember to take a photo of the fade jumper tomorrow when the light is better. I need to take pics of the red and green ones too, for my Ravelry project page. The fade one isn't finished - it needs the other sleeve and the neck, but I keep not doing any :)).

I have some blue aran weight cashmere that I want to use up next. I knitted up the back of a cabled jumper and realised I'd followed the wrong size, so put it into hibernation. I tried to fix it, but the fix will show, and the yarn was too expensive to use for a botch job, so I plan to unravel it and make something else. I am determined to finish the fade one first, though, so I need to stop procrastinating and get on with it.

Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 6:22 pm
by wendy james
Have you been getting on with it? :drill:

Ive been making more wrist warmers, a panda sundress that Elvis claimed immediately, and a sling for a baby doll. They have two, obviously. :lol:

Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 8:19 pm
by Morganna
wendy james wrote: Sun May 24, 2020 6:22 pmHave you been getting on with it? :drill:
Yes. I knitted what should have been most of the second sleeve last night, then realised that I had been forgetting to decrease every 6th row, so had to unravel it and start again :cry:

These jumpers don't photograph well, but this is it so far. You have to imagine the shoulders being human shaped instead of being on that strange slant, and the neck arranged properly :)) The sleeves start just above the elbow, and it is a very loose fit in the body. The bottom is an i-cord cast-off and will block straight.

Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 1:49 pm
by H1ppychick
That’s lovely Morgs, have you managed to finish it since?

I finally finished my Woodland blanket. It will need blocking to stop the waves on the shorter ends from puckering but I’ll wait to do that till I can face using a steam iron.

Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:07 pm
by SunnyMum
That's fantastic, Hippy.

Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:11 pm
by H1ppychick
She does come up with nice projects, does Lucy, I think this one is my favourite so far in terms of colours - maybe a tie between this and the Cosy blanket. I’m thinking of making a colourwash version of her Dahlia one soon as a present for my mum.

Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:17 pm
by SunnyMum
I do like her colour ways but her smugness just over-rides it for me. I can't bear the woman. I considered boycotting the Wool.Ware.House because of her, but after I fell out with Deramore.s I had a talk to my self and got over myself.
I detest that way she blogs about stitches she has "created" (with that effing creative mind of hers) when they're all out there already.

Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:35 pm
by wendy james
Very nice!

Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:57 pm
by Morganna
That blanket is gorgeous!

We have (had? :sad: ) a woman at the knitting group who was like that. She 'designed' things that were always blankets, so no shaping in either the design or the execution, and used ready-curated colour kits and stitches from stitch dictionaries. She always referred to herself as a yarn craft designer, and got the local yarn shop to give her yarn to crochet her 'creations' in return for being able to display them, then got them back and sold them on Etsy. Good luck to her, in many ways, but she droned on and on about her 'designs' to the point that nobody wanted to sit next to her - it got a bit awkward by the end.

No, H1ppy - my jumper is still not (but nearly) finished. I am working on an assignment for my course, which has to take priority. An hour or two will see it done, though. I think the warm weather makes it less urgent, too, plus being interned. If there was a chance that I could wear it, it would be done by now :)).

Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 3:33 pm
by H1ppychick
Yeah I never read any of the blog stuff and I always scroll straight past her meandering tweeness down to the pattern. She is quite a long way up her own arse. Her projects are undemanding and satisfying though.

Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 4:00 pm
by Shoe
I'm the same. Love the patterns, can't stand the writing. :))

Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 4:49 pm
by Cerise
Lots of gorgeous crochet blanket ideas here:

Re: Show your (craft)work

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 4:52 pm
by Shoe
That's an excellent link. So many lovely patterns. The gingham blankets are beautiful.