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Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 12:07 pm
by Pippedydeadeye
I’ve just done an ascending pyramid workout for TMC. Pretty pleased that I managed most press ups on my toes and most of the burpees were full, but now I need to re-lay my flipping exercise mats. :lg:

I’ve worked out that I’m 7 days out, but I think I can get everything done by next weekend and only finish a few days late. I hate not completing stuff.

I get complete doom when I’ve got low blood sugar (not through activity). It took me a while to realise what it was.

Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 12:31 pm
by smalex
I hate not completing things too Pip, but you weren't very well. Today's session sounds horrible :lol:

Well I did my long run today so that I only need to do a shorter run tomorrow in the gale. I was pleased actually, having moaned yesterday. 100mins, just over 10miles, so under 10m/mile felt fairly good for the middle 6 or so miles. My leg/arse muscles are really aching now but all in all: better!

Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 12:33 pm
by Texaco Shirley
Parkrun this morning and despite the moaning from A it was PBs all round. I was the only one to not record sub 30 (which is astonishing for L in particular) but as always I list about 15 seconds getting through the start so my watch recorded a 5K PB.

Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 12:47 pm
by Pippedydeadeye
I really liked to see your finishing positions on FB, Tex. you were all so close. My lot are not team players, we’re all usually miles apart from each other.

Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 12:50 pm
by Texaco Shirley
That’s the closest we’ve ever managed, it’s nice now L has decided to be competitive about it. It makes it all more interesting.

Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 2:01 pm
by geek_kitten
Weights and Muay Thai yesterday, pilates and boxing today. Rest now, with all the food.

Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 2:42 pm
by mojojojo
smalex wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2020 12:31 pm Well I did my long run today so that I only need to do a shorter run tomorrow in the gale.
Same here, although mine was nowhere near as awesome as yours!

I did a gentle Parkrun and then 11.5 miles run home, so 14.5 altogether (but I recorded it as two as I had a 5 min break in between). Slow and pretty painful, but I think that was partly down to wearing my (zero drop) trail shoes when probably two thirds of the route was on road. Pretty much dead now :emme:

That sounds like a fab family Parkrun, Tex! Ours has become a bit of a family affair of late but we all come in miles apart from each other too.

Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 3:31 pm
by Luce
Sounds good, Tex. And Pip, yours always sounds like fun.

Another bodypump today and I finally managed to move my weights up for the back track. I was mildly euphoric, never thought I'd be able to do it.

I shall also be pulling pints all night for the beer festival which doesn't sound like exercise but it's completely exhausting so I'm counting it :))

Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 4:38 pm
by Edith Bacon
You are all sounding super sporty and athletic! Nice going, chaps!

I walked and it was windy but enjoyable.

Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 4:57 pm
by smalex
That's brilliant Tex, you'll (officially) go under 30mins next time!

Moje, you did 14.5miles though! I'm no where near that yet.

Working a beer festival will definitely be hard work and well worth counting Luce.

Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:46 am
by Edith Bacon
Today is looking a bit ridiculous for walking :cry: But J just reminded me that earlier this week I did my walk twice in one day - once by myself and then again when he got home and fancied a walk. So I’m classing that as having one in reserve for days like today. I don’t think that’s cheating.

Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:06 am
by Pippedydeadeye
I don’t think it is either! Also safety has to come into account. If the wind drops later you can always change plans.

Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:07 am
by Edith Bacon
3am is looking like my best option, wind-wise :))

Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:06 pm
by smalex
I've been out, reluctantly. It wasn't quite so awful at 9am, but it's bloody dire now. 5 miles. My bones ached from yesterday and the wind was very strong sometimes but my times were ok actually. Thank god that's over with.

Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:10 pm
by Edith Bacon
Blimey, Smal! Well done on getting out today :zirk:

Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:12 pm
by smalex
It honestly wasn't *quite* so bad 2 hours ago so probably not representative of what you're getting. I don't always display the best judgement about running either :))

Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 1:01 pm
by Luce
God, I wouldn't wish going outside on anyone!

I ache all over from yesterday, I'm a broken women with a hangover. Which is good 'cause the gym is flooded anyway.

Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 1:03 pm
by Texaco Shirley
I’m glad today is a scheduled rest day and I don’t need to go outside.

Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:40 pm
by Pippedydeadeye
I’m chipping away now, 6 workouts left to do, sadly they all look hideous. One is a 300 Spartan workout which I thought I might try to do today too, but the descending pyramid I just did nearly finished me off. At the 6 reps round I did think I could just do another 6 reps of everything to finish off but then I would have denied myself the beauty of the final 2 reps.

Anyway, I followed that up with today’s resistance band Pilates and now I have a list to finish. Day 18 (outdoor shuttle runs - maybe Friday?), 24 (a circuit workout with increasing times), 29, 33, 36 & 37 (the 300).

We swam earlier but it wasn’t proper swimming even though I did get a few lengths in.

Re: February Fitness

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 6:02 pm
by Duophonic
That's the thing about parkrun, you have to be near the front for them to record a pb or you have to pb by minutes in some cases. The few times I go to parkrun I'm always at the back.

Usual for me running, running and more running. I've signed up for a bootcamp in a church hall a stone's throw away. I'm initially paying for a block of once a week and I'll increase that once the block is finished.