March Fitness

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March Fitness

Post by Pippedydeadeye »

New month!

I’m getting organised and did a quick tabata that was a bonus from the TM Challenge I did. Flipping burpees. :george:
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Re: March Fitness

Post by bramblerose »

Happy new month!

Well done Pip

10.2km run this morning with the Sunday group. I do love group running. We are on plan and both of us are feeling good 😁
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Re: March Fitness

Post by Topcat »

I did a big trail run and it was beyond fucking hideous. 😂 21k of shit, mud, water and hills. One hill was such a steep arsefilled shit heap full of the all of the above that we registered an 18 minute kilometre at one point. 😳

But it was also ace. 💕
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Re: March Fitness

Post by smalex »

Oh my good god TC. And an 18m km :lol: but bloody well done! I'd have cried all the way round.

Weights circuit at home again. At least its something
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Re: March Fitness

Post by mojojojo »

Well done everyone. TC, that looks fun :mrgreen:

I’ve peaked early with my 20 mile race today. I’m broken now and as I’m (hopefully still) away with work this week, this will be as close as I’ll get to a week off between now and May :disco:
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Re: March Fitness

Post by Pippedydeadeye »

I bet your washing machine’s been busy this afternoon TC! That looks so hideous.
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Re: March Fitness

Post by smalex »

Could you message me with it? Thanks! I don't know whether to try and see someone or is improving. I'd appreciate the number though.
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Re: March Fitness

Post by wendy james »

Elvis and I stuck to the footpath whilst out running. :mrgreen:

I’ve changed gym near work. A 24hr one opened and my year was finally up so I can make the switch. No pool, shower gel or towels but I’ll save £25 a month and they do 30 minute classes before work and at lunchtime. It’s virtually next door, so no change to my running routes either.
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Re: March Fitness

Post by bramblerose »

That sounds good wenders
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Re: March Fitness

Post by Ismee »

That does sound good, Wendle.

TC that looks so grim, well done!

I've started the day with a 20 minute workout with weights. I'm walking from work to the children's school and back too this morning which is about 40 mins in total.
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Re: March Fitness

Post by geek_kitten »

Heavy weights today for the first time this year (I've been nursing a dodgy hip so haven't been able to squat or deadlift big weights). Despite the somewhat comprised 😁 left hand my grip has improved no end, doubtless due to the horrible pull-up stuff my coach has made me do. Comfortable with 90kg deadlifts at five reps, struggled with 95kg, but it's the first time I've deadlifted in several months so I'll take it.

That looks more like swimming than running TC 😱
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Re: March Fitness

Post by Texaco Shirley »

A has a football match tomorrow instead of training so I ran this afternoon, it was nice to be able to run round the park in daylight although I remembered how much I dislike doing several short laps rather than 1 or 2 longer ones.
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Re: March Fitness

Post by olive »

Seems like everyone is off to a solid start to March. An 18 min/km though!

I hope your foot improves, Smalex. You must be beyond frustrated.

I accidentally ran 6 miles this morning. My usual trail route was closed and I hadn’t run the detour I took before so I was out in the wilderness.

I can hardly move now but I fancy giving it another bash as I hadn’t realised how close I am to a sub hour 10km which was a nice surprise given I’ve never done that distance before.
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Re: March Fitness

Post by bramblerose »

Just swimming today - I couldn't get booked onto Sprint as it was full so didn't bother with the gym!
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Re: March Fitness

Post by Pippedydeadeye »

I went to yoga tonight and it was very gentle, too gentle really. I nearly fell asleep at the end.
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Re: March Fitness

Post by Ismee »

Sounds lovely, Pip.

I did a 20 minute run this morning. It was hard because it was frosty out and that's the worse sort of weather for my asthma but I managed it.
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Re: March Fitness

Post by wendy james »

Circuit class yesterday morning, then a few lengths in the evening. Body pump this morning, and I've a run planned with the girls tonight. I'd hoped to pop out for a weights session at lunchtime but I'm feeling the effects of having last week out of the office/month end reports!

I was moaning yesterday about what a difference last week was for getting my steps in, and now I'm back to my drive/sit/drive routine. In good news though, I'm moving downstairs to an adjustable desk and half my team will be upstairs so I'm hoping that helps!
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Re: March Fitness

Post by Pippedydeadeye »

So I reckon if your last google search was “burpee to press up” and you actually did what you found against the clock for a minute, you deserve a hot cross bun, right?
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Re: March Fitness

Post by olive »

Most definitely. :yes:

I ran 2.3 miles this morning which was hard working considering I could barely move after my run yesterday. I also did a 20 minute core workout straight after so lots of planks, bear walks and mountain climbers. :cry:
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Re: March Fitness

Post by smalex »

Any exercise is justification for Hot cross Buns.

Eeesh Olive. Do you need to be able to walk tomorrow?!

I did my mini footless circuit. Again. Seeing a physio tomorrow.
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