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Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:15 pm
by smalex
I think there's conflicting information, PHE and NHS say you can, WHO says not to. I don't think I would because we can't access very open space without walking down urban pavements which obviously don't always lend themselves to retaining a 2m distance. I might feel differently if we lived somewhere else though. Generally speaking I'm not getting particularly concerned if someone passes 1-2m from me, momentarily, in the open air, because it seems such a tiny risk (though obviously I'm trying to not to, and respect that other people are very concerned about it) but I don't think I could while I actively had symptoms.

Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:16 pm
by FiveO'Clock
Disco wrote: Fri Mar 27, 2020 1:47 pm To be fair I'm acting as if everyone has it, myself included.
Me too.

Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:22 pm
by SunnyMum
FiveO'Clock wrote: Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:16 pm
Disco wrote: Fri Mar 27, 2020 1:47 pm To be fair I'm acting as if everyone has it, myself included.
Me too.
I think that's what everybody should do.
It's what we're doing here.
Stay at home means stay at home.

Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:36 pm
by Ella
Agreed. If you suspect you have it, please stay home for everybody’s sake.

Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:41 pm
by Morganna
Ella77 wrote: Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:36 pm Agreed. If you suspect you have it, please stay home for everybody’s sake.
I would add to that that even if you don't suspect you have it you should stay home unless absolutely necessary. None of us knows if we have it or not, and if you don't have it, then catching it by going out makes it possible that you will pass it on to someone else.

Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:52 pm
by Shoe
I don't think I have it but I am still staying in except for a daily walk and even then I am actively looking for a place to walk where there are no or very few others. I'm doing tours of local graveyards basically. We'll probably need to go out for essentials at some point over the weekend but that will only be one of us for as short a time as possible.

Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:38 pm
by olive
I just feel so bad for anyone that doesn’t have access to outside space. We used to live in a 2 bed flat when the boys were little that didn’t have a garden and I honestly don’t know how we would have coped. Or how anyone in that situation would cope now.

It’s all very well saying people shouldn’t leave their houses but I think that should apply to people who are not observing the 2m apart rule.

Or who insist on going to the shops unnecessarily. I think if you need to go out use some common sense and exercise every precaution you can.

Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:07 pm
by Luce
I'm clearly not in the majority here, so I get it, but I absolutely cannot see how me walking in an empty field is putting anyone at risk. And I'm acting as if I'm infectious. And yes everything is taking a bit of a hit, including mental health, but sometimes that can't be risked any further. I absolutely don't see it as the same thing as crowds of people on beaches which is batshit.

I can't get any more delivery slots and I'm not supposed to even try to save them for vulnerable people. Next week sometime I will have no choice but to leave the house for food. A much higher risk than a walk in an empty field.

Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:11 pm
by ParisGal
I agree, Luce. I think again it's one of those things that is just impossible to put into a fair rule that can be applied to everyone and easily understood. Someone in a block of flats going out once a week to get their shopping is going to have to touch doors, rails, lift buttons etc. and is much more at risk than someone living in a village who goes out twice every day to walk their dog on the common, but never touches anything outside of their personal property. I still don't think people should be driving to exercise though.

Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:31 pm
by smalex
I agree with all of that ( I think in some circumstances driving to exercise would be a preferable option but I can see its easier to apply a blank ban).
I obviously dont trust Johnson an inch but I have no reason to believe that other people who are trained and knowledgeable epidemiologists would have an incentive in telling us to exercise outside once a day, observing the 2m rule, if it was vastly harmful.

Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:47 pm
by Morganna
I think it's one of those situations where there does have to be a blanket ban if it is to work at all. It's a bit like the Prince Charles thing. Even when people can see that he needs to be tested because of his position, there is resentment because everyone knows someone who 'deserves' it more.

In the same way, even if an individual family is most unlikely to infect anyone because they live near to a beach or woods, someone in a flat with 4 kids is likely to think 'if they can do it, why can't we?' and go out into a town/city centre, as that's all they can access, 'because it's allowed'. As you say, PG, it's impossible to be 'fair', so it's better to be equitable.

Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:51 pm
by Luce
I do agree that a blanket ban would be much easier to manage a very nuanced situation. And I'm sure that's coming.

Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 6:52 pm
by viggy
Well, I haven't been any further than my garden, and despite ten days being coughy and wheezy but fever free, my sore throat has developed over the last couple of days, and now I have a fever and mild gastro issues.

I thought there was a fair chance I was being cautious about a cold until now, but these new symptoms fit COVID-19 perfectly. Do I restart the isolation clock for me and BM? When will it be OK for her to see her Dad? FML.

Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 6:56 pm
by Marth
My friend's husband is in a high risk group and all the routes the govt recommend for getting assistance don't really exist. Online shopping - nope, call the council - nope, local schemes - nope. She is crying about it daily on FB panicking because if she needs to go out she will have to keep a 3 mtr distance from her husband, in their tiny flat.

Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:01 pm
by purple_dress
Viggy - I don't think you need to restart the clock but you have to be prepared to stay in isolation longer than 14 days if you're not better. I'm on over 2 weeks now if you count it from when I first got mild symptoms but my temperature is still not normal so I'll isolate until I'm certain I'm fully better.

Marth :cry: Are there any local volunteer groups who can help?

Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:15 pm
by viggy
Sorry you're still feeling rough Purp. The GP did say I should self isolate until I'm feeling better so that's a good rule of thumb.

Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:17 pm
by Disco
I hope you all feel better soon!

Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:17 pm
by purple_dress
I definitely feel like I'm getting better and my temperature is barely raised at all but I still have the chills and get a little breathless doing not very much.

Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 6:25 pm
by kiwi
This is all so difficult to judge isn't it, unless you get full blown symptoms. I've had a slight cough all day and a hint of a headache, but I've been able to carry on as normal with no tiredness or feeling ill. My guess is that it's not Coronavirus, but then *paranoia!* maybe it could be?

Re: The "Do I have COVID-19?" thread

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 6:46 pm
by maya
It could be the beginning of something, Kiwi. It is really hard to judge. In case it helps others experiencing symptoms this has been my experience of what I am assuming is it:

Day 1 - low grade fever, chills, tiredness
Day 2 - high fever, aches, tiredness
Day 3 - low grade fever, aches, tiredness, sensitive skin
Day 4 - no fever but temp slightly raised, tired, slightly nauseous and dizzy if walking around, slightly upset stomach, sensitive skin

I’ve had headaches on and off but barely any coughing. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.