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Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 12:23 am
by Epponnee Rae
We did really well! Everything was so tasty! I forgot they also made two fruit pies :yummeh:

It was a small group of 4 who either live alone or are bubbled together as housemates while WFH, none with exposure to kids in school or childcare, and none of us have family in town or can travel (or wanted to travel). We all got tested and have isolated for over a week. And we only took masks off while we were eating with windows wide open and fans blowing for air circulation. It was really nice being able to see and eat with people, but it was still a really careful risk calculation that we spent a lot of time talking about to be comfortable with. This was basically my Christmas dinner :))

Anyway, with enough food for three times as many people though I left with loads of tubs of leftovers, including both drumsticks, so I’m basically winning :ready: Sadly I’ve been too hungover to eat anything much today

Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 3:29 am
by FiveO'Clock
All of it looks fantastic, Epp! :ready:

Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 3:36 am
by Epponnee Rae
emma_p wrote: Thu Nov 26, 2020 8:14 pm Woah, pine nut oligarch!

I made a load of Ottolenghi thanksgiving-ish recipes. Sweet potato, fig and chilli, wild rice with chickpeas, green beans and sugar snaps with orange and hazelnut and cauliflower salad with pomegranate and hazelnut.

I have used very pan in the kitchen!
Amazing! We were a fairly traditional crowd but I love the sound of the beans and sweet potato. I also feel the using every pot and dish very keenly! So much washing up!

Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 4:07 am
by olive
That looks amazing, Epp! I’m another who used every single pan. :)) I’m glad you got to spend it with friends and sounds like you were all very responsible too.

Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 5:41 am
by happyhighlandcoo
Wow, Epp. That all looks amazing. Is the top photo the corn pie? What is in it, please?

Sounds like a really lovely day and you all seem to have it planned in terms of staying safe. This time last year, I bet none of you thought you'd be eating with fans and windows open and wearing masks.

Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 7:43 am
by Ella77
That looks lovely, Epp. How were the sweet potatoes? I’ve had my eye on that recipe.

Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 8:30 am
by Pippedydeadeye
That sounds and looks like the kind of Thanksgiving meal I can very much get on board with. Both Emma & Epp!

Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:24 am
by Disco
Looks great! I would also be interested in the recipe for the corn thing and what you did with the sweet potatoes.

Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 10:11 am
by AshleyX
Epp, your food always looks so accomplished! The roulade is just beautiful. It sounds and looks like a brilliant day.

Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 10:23 am
by emma_p
The roulade is amazing! Are there frosted cranberries and pink apples on top? Everything else looks perfect too, I’m so glad you got to celebrate.

Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 5:02 pm
by Blondiejude
The roulade looks fab epp! As for once does the thanksgiving food, not a marshmallow encrusted yam in sight (I can never understand those sweet dishes, would love to try one once just to see if it does actually work!)

After a very cold frosty and wet walk S and I made soft salted pretzels, not bad for our first attempt I thought.

Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 5:06 pm
by Disco

Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 7:41 pm
by Epponnee Rae
Those pretzels look really good! They look like they’d be lovely and soft inside, and good with butter :ready:

This is the sweet potato recipe: ... ato-roast/

I would up the amount of shallot in mine next time as I only had two small ones so they kind of disappeared once cooked. It could probably take some slivers of garlic too. Also I ended up cooking much longer once I took the foil off to get even a semblance of crispiness. It’s more like a butter confited sweet potato :ready:

Here’s the corn pie recipe I used. It’s basically cornmeal with veggies and cheeses stirred through and baked.

But here’s one that I think is closer to what my friend’s recipe is like (she’s from Trinidad and she always brings this to thanksgiving dinner, which is where I first had it and have since been obsessed). Not exactly though as hers wasn’t very ‘eggy’ and I don’t think she used creamed corn. But I think the fine cornmeal or cornbread mix would give it a firmer texture. ... e.html?m=1

Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 8:23 pm
by Epponnee Rae
Also to emma_p, it was sliced persimmons on top of the roulade. Actually I’ve just seen a new meringue roulade recipe in the Torygraph (spit), which has blackberry and pear on top, and that sounds lovely too. Like a pav pretty much anything would go I think. I was thinking about it maybe as an alternative to a Yule log though I’ve never done a chocolate meringue. Also I do just want to make a proper Yule log at some point so might not faff with meringue yet.

Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 8:31 pm
by emma_p
Ah, persimmons! Even better! I’ve been eating them like they’re going out of fashion :love:

Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 8:38 pm
by Mountain Goat
Oh my god all this gorgeous Thanksgiving food and not a green bean casserole or marshallow topped sweet potato in sight. :love2: And your pretzels look great, BJ.

I am HOME ALONE (legally, J is at his brother's, we are bubbled) which is blissful and I made Oysters Rockefeller for my tea because. Also have a poor photo of last night's Honest Burger (home kit via Farmdrop) which was really lovely. You get (as well as the burger, cheese, bacon and buns obv), their burger sauce, a pot of pickles, an onion, a whole bottle of French's mustard, rosemary salt for your chips (chips not included) and a tote bag. :love2: So much better than a cold soggy delivery burger (glaring at you, Deliveroo).

Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 8:43 pm
by wendy james
I love honest burgers, I’m glad you can get MYO versions. Dishoom are doing similar, aren’t they?

Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 8:49 pm
by Mountain Goat
They do a vegan one too! Yes, Dishoom are doing their bacon naan nationwide and more dishes if you're close enough to one of the restaurants (I'm not). There's loads doing similar - I had Bocca di Lupo for my birthday and a Bleeker burger a month or so ago, and I'm thinking about getting a Tommy Banks for our no-office-Christmas-party dinner. :))

Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:06 pm
by bramblerose
We've thought about the Dishoom bacon wraps and may get them as a treat soon.

All the food looks amazing!

We had curry leftovers from the freezer but made onion bhajis for starters. They were lovely but will tweak the spices a bit more next time.

Re: Show us your food! Corona Cooking edition

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 10:52 am
by baargain
Ah man, that burger looks great.

We had thanksgiving with the usual bunch. Usually we all meet up and everyone brings an item, but it was online and we had to make it all ourselves.
We had a fatty. Cheese and Cranberry sauce wrapped in Turkey breast and sausage meat with a bacon weave.