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Storing meringues.

Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 2:30 pm
by SunnyMum
I'm organising a surprise birthday party for SunnyDad's 60th.
I need to be able to cook, bake, and assemble everything pretty sneakily.
For dessert, I have an idea to make mini pavlova. I would like to whisk and bake them next weekend. The party is on June 2nd. Can I keep them crisp for that long if I put them in airtight containers?
I'll be baking for approx 25 - 30 people.
I have lots of strawberry coulis in the freezer. ( We've got a bumper harvest thus year.)

Please tell me about your pavlova/ meringue experiences.

I have a second kitchen in which I can hide / store things.

Re: Storing meringues.

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 10:29 am
by ParisGal
I'd say a tentative no. IME they keep fairly well, but weep a little bit. Depends how picky you want to be, I think they'd still be crisp and otherwise fine, and you could chip off the offending bits :))

However perhaps adding a bit more stabiliser than I usually do (i.e. none) would fix this. Is it cream of tartar that does that? Or cornflour?