Juvenile Jibber Jabber

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Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by Slanket »

Feel free to come up with a better title! It was a cross between this and Childish chit chat. :))

"Iris just head buttoned me."

"Can I have a KibKab?"

Me: "How would you feel if Iris didn't share her toys with you?"
S: (sheepish) "Not very good"
Me: "Right, so how do you think Iris feels when you don't share your toys with her?"
S: "Bored?"
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Re: Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by wendy james »

Does a KibKab mean KitKat or a kebab? I'm thinking the former? :mrgreen:

Sproglette has a definite southern accent and her original pronunciation of things like bath and bus have also morphed into the southern way. However, I think there will always be a little bit of Northerner in her, based on her shouting to me the other day (in response to me sending her to find something) - "I can't find it, love!".
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Re: Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by Turtle Bean »

Sproglette is so funny. I love this thread, I am glad it has restarted. I only have second hand tales but my next door neighbour was telling me that her little girl, who is just three asked for a banana and when told that they were all gone asked. ' What's the turnative?'. She is brilliant. I can generally hear her shouting about something or other if she is in.
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Re: Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by viggy »

Turnative :love:
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Re: Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by Jet »

Turnative is cute.

S has had a cold for weeks now so there's been lots of bogey chat (to try and stop him having a fit every time a wipe his nose) but he can't say bogeys and gleefully shouts 'BOOOOBIES!!!' when I congratulate him on a successful nose wipe.
Half-ten?! Half-ten?! I've never been up at half-ten! What happens?
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Re: Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by Texaco Shirley »


A had pins and needles the other day, apparently he'd "cut off the situation"
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Re: Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by Dáire »

Turnative and bored :love:

T was hard at work yesterday on his image, having just gone back to school. "I'm trying to think of a word," he said. "You know how people have a word they say when they get hurt, like a boy at school says 'Oh, buttons!'"

"I see. An exclamation." I contemplated offering 'sugar' but I suspected it was already taken ;)

"Yes! I need an exclamation." He pondered. "I was thinking maybe 'Yowzas'."
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Re: Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by rosy »

Yowzas! I love it.
It’s like a normal midlife crisis only with more chandeliers and foreign languages.
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Re: Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by yellowtulip »

Yowzas is an excellent signature word.

I am pleased that S is joining the ranks of the talkers and will hopefully have something of value to contribute soon. At 21 months she is already helping me out with vocab. This morning she put her head on one side to eat her banana. I said "that's an odd way to eat a banana", to which she looked at me pityingly and said "sideways".

Re: Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by jif »

J (5) has finished her first school year of Prep and has spent the whole year confusedly calling it Crepe and referring to herself as a "Creppie". We have corrected it a few times and she always laughs but the idea is stuck fast and returns and its delightful.
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Re: Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by Slanket »

Yes, kitkat, wend! We haven't introduced him to the delights of doner meat yet. :)). Love is very sweet and I hope you can manage to keep some Northernisms alive. S says baaaaaaaaath like a true West countryer.

Tunative is very cute and creppie is excellent. :lol:

Re: Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by Quote »

I like the thread title.
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Re: Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by Squirrel »

I love 'head buttoned' :love:.
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Re: Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by viggy »

Yowzas! :))
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Re: Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by wendy james »

You'll have to play Chic's Dance Dance Dance to him, Daire. :mrgreen:

Turnative and situation are great.

This morning I was told "good thinking, Lion-O". She obviously thinks Batman is interchangeable with other characters. :no:
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Re: Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by smalex »

Head Buttoned is so cute!

Whenever Will says bye to someone he says 'bye bye, see you next mornin!'. Whether you're going to see him in 20 minutes or tomorrow or 3 weeks time. Hes also started saying 'Mummy! You're back!' everytime he comes back into a room I'm in, even if I'm the one who hasn't gone anywhere.
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Re: Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by Loralei »

smalex wrote:Whenever Will says bye to someone he says 'bye bye, see you next mornin!'. Whether you're going to see him in 20 minutes or tomorrow or 3 weeks time. Hes also started saying 'Mummy! You're back!' everytime he comes back into a room I'm in, even if I'm the one who hasn't gone anywhere.
Oh! :love: I am a big fan of that young man.
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Re: Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by Texaco Shirley »

As mentioned elsewhere A has had nits, he was combed to within an inch of his life in the bath this evening but he was talkinng to MrTex:

A: I've still got nits
MrTex: well, maybe, not many though
A: 2! Fudge-Nit and Patch-Nit
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Re: Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by Loralei »

Pet nits? :)) Never mind; if he's anything like his brother they'll be flushed down the loo before long.
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Re: Juvenile Jibber Jabber

Post by Texaco Shirley »

We can but hope :))
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