Why is Friday (but for love)?

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Epponnee Rae
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Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by Epponnee Rae »

[on topic] Morning Turtleland,

That’s the closest to a Valentine I’ll send this year. Although I might use the date as en excuse to purchase seasonal baked goods for work in the morning :puzz:

It’s been a week. Almost. And I am over it.75% of my week has been in meetings :ruby: Thankfully a similarly wrung out colleague also needed a drink so we spent a couple of hours putting the world to rights over a bottle of cava this evening. I am v glad it’s a 3-day weekend here even though it’s currently a shite one, but I’ll take the day. I have no plans though.

What do you have on this Friday feast day? Tell us especially of food plans and weather conditions, please. I’ll be getting through my last 6 meetings, hopefully doing a run, maybe eating doughnuts (or cupcakes). Probably drinking wine. It feels too mild temperature wise.
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Re: Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by wendy james »

Evening Epp.

I forgot to search for the hidden SVD card last night (instead, I watched 5 episodes of The Stranger and only stopped the binge because children were awake and it seemed a good time to go to bed too :lol: ). I had a quick look in a drawer this morning and it wasn't there. Fortunately, I've managed to score a bottle of perfume from a national radio station so can make up for it, if it arrives today!

I'm WFH today and then heading off North. I didn't fancy the whole trip on a Friday evening, so me and the girls will be in a hotel in the services tonight. Very romantic. :mrgreen: We will have a floor picnic and an early night, before driving the second half tomorrow morning.
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Re: Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by sally maclennane »

Morning/evening Epp and hello Wenders :))

I am off work today but I have to go to a meeting first thing, only for a couple of hours though. After that, I'm going to spin, and then my mum and I are going shopping. I am eating a cinnamon bagel just now, but later, I'll see if my mum wants to have dinner when we're out. No Valentines Day stuff here, neither of us are fans.

It looks mild here which is unusual as it's been shit recently, constant rain and wind.
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Re: Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by Pippedydeadeye »


I’ve been given a card & gift (that “Tired” sweatshirt!), but I’ve not even written a card yet. I was too busy cleaning and tidying the kitchen to remember last night.

There’s a guy coming about the fence later this morning, I’m going to do a workout, and pop into town to collect the boots I ordered.
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Re: Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by Princess Morripov »

Morning! I have been presented with cards, chocolates and flowers which is nice because I was in a right grump when I got up as there was someone banging and drilling all night a couple of roads away. I assume maybe an emergency water/gas issue but honestly :ttth:

We are having our SVD feast tomorrow (tapas) so tonight will be pizza. Tupac has a taster session at school this morning (WTF? :cry: ) so I will get us all ready for that in a bit.
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Re: Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by Epponnee Rae »

Ooh, wenders’ perfume win reminds me that I won a $100 gift card to a spa this week! It was for selling raffle tickets for choir and feels a bit cheeky to take it as people were practically throwing money at me for tickets during my shift! I do really need a pedicure though
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Re: Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by Annabella »

Good day all. Free day today so have had a tidy round. Have an electrician coming between 8 and 1 to do landlord yearly check. Hope they come closer to 8! Might take a trip to IKEA later for a mooch or stay in and try and get through a bit of Lethal White (hardback) that I am reading years after everyone else.

No cards or otherwise here. We don't bother much with that.
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Re: Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by Ella »

I totally forgot it was Valentine’s Day today when S went off to work. Ah, well. I’m going to shirk from home again, and I don’t have any breakfast food, so the chocolate-dipped shortbread in the kitchen ought to start getting a bit nervous now.

Have good days, all.
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Re: Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by Princess Morripov »

You’ve changed Ella, quick, run out and buy some heart shaped bread :))
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Re: Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by emma_p »

Wait, Tupac at school?! How has this happened so fast? Hope it goes well.

We are full valentines-ing here, I’m sure no one is surprised :))

Liv can’t wait to give out her valentines bracelets :love:
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Re: Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by Estrella »

You really have changed, Ella!

I forgot about it too until I got to work where my big boss had left us all heart shaped chocolates on our desk. She’s very lovely!

Tupac can’t be any where near school? He was only born two minutes ago!
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Re: Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by wendy james »

School taster sounds exciting!

The card has been found. P got me two mini bars of chocolate, despite our no present agreement. :ella:
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Re: Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by smalex »

I've been left a card. I need to re-find and write the one I bought.

It's my day off today, I was going to meet a friend but she delayed for a week so I'll do the school run, do a run, then do the groceries, then I don't know. Life admin probably.
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Re: Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by purple_dress »

Morning. We don't do SVD. MrP got a new job yesterday so we are kind of celebrating. I think he's reeling a bit though as he only got the initial recruiter call last week!

I've got an annoying day of wfh, then osteopath and then having to travel in to an annoying bit of London for a one hour meeting.
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Re: Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by Princess Morripov »

It’s just for the half day for nursery at the school starting in Sept, so not proper reception until the following year, but still, it’s gone so quick! They mix reception and nursery class together and it’s a new school that only opened in September so the facilities are lovely, they have a little shop and loads of play areas in the classroom and an outside mud kitchen and little tractors, it’s so different to when we were at school :granny:
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Re: Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by Ella »

I just literally forgot what day it was!

Well done to MrP!
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Re: Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by Pippedydeadeye »

Well, Squeak’s actually started moving post from the doormat when she gets home, which is progress, but she hid it all on the stairs. I’ve just found my P111d, a premium bonds win (milky bars are on me!), and a card saying a parcel is in the shed.

The parcel in the shed is a bunch of red roses. With a card saying “from Next”. C says they’re not from him. :lol:
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Re: Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by Cerise »

I have given but not received a card. :lg:

Dance class this morning then packing this afternoon. I hope Tupac has fun. Are you staying too, Pov?
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Re: Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by Ella »

Who the fuck sent them, Pip?
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Re: Why is Friday (but for love)?

Post by Princess Morripov »

Yep, it’s just an open morning type thing as they haven’t allocated places yet, I have applied but I think it’s May you find out? We only live a 3 minute walk from the school so fingers crossed!
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