February Fitness

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Re: February Fitness

Post by Topcat »

Oh no! But you are right to listen to your body, and as Smal has said, you're only postponing.
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Re: February Fitness

Post by Zoomer »

Definitely only postponing, if I am! My plan would be to do Toulouse in October, and then re-attack Paris in 2021.
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Re: February Fitness

Post by Edith Bacon »

Your plan overall sounds good and sensible - either way you will do the Paris and hit your pre-birthday deadline. Trust your gut.

I walked and it was just lovely.
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Re: February Fitness

Post by bramblerose »

Commute to and from work...just shy of 20km. Should have been more but I couldn't be arsed to get.out of bed this morning :lol:
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Re: February Fitness

Post by geek_kitten »

Couldn't be arsed to go to the gym today so a quick and dirty kettlebell workout at home. 200 KB swings, 100 KB presses, 55 pushups plus a nice movement flow thing (squat jump to cobra to jackknife to getup, repeat).
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Re: February Fitness

Post by smalex »

40min run, bribed W to come out on his bike so we went at 4.45, and it wasn't even totally dark when we got back. It was fun.
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Re: February Fitness

Post by sally maclennane »

I went to spin tonight, I was running a bit late so arrived about 5 minutes after the start. After 30 minutes, he started the warm down, and I was like "oh shit, it must have been a 5pm start, not 5.15!" then one of the guys in the class said "er, you've got another 15 minutes to go mate"

I was slightly disappointed but the last 10 minutes were ok. It was CrotchGuy who I hate but needs must!
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Re: February Fitness

Post by Texaco Shirley »

5K tonight but I totally screwed up recording it. At least I was going for gentle run rather than record time this evening.
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Re: February Fitness

Post by Hazey_Jane »

I hit the gym tonight and upped my time on the cross trainer to 40 minutes. I’m getting a bit quicker too. Still- a long way to go and need to start playing with the other equipment
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Re: February Fitness

Post by Topcat »

Hill reps here tonight and it went well considering I was doing them on my own.

Time to up the distance though, I'm not going nearly far or high enough at the moment and I feel as though I'm good to push it some more.

Still, that's 3 times I've been out this week so far and that's good going for me.
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Re: February Fitness

Post by Pippedydeadeye »

Pilates circuits tonight. There was one exercise my hamstrings hated, instant cramps!
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Re: February Fitness

Post by Duophonic »

Easy 40 minutes for me tonight, nice chatty pace.

Last night was first time at bootcamp so my legs and arse are killing me.

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Re: February Fitness

Post by mojojojo »

I wanted to throw up just reading your “nice move” Geek :lol:

Well done runners, riders, walkers and pilaterers!

We had a 5k club race last night. I hate the winter 5k route, and I wasn’t feeling very good at the start, AND there wasn’t anyone of a similar pace around me to work off ( :lg: ) but somehow managed a 30 second PB :emme:
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Re: February Fitness

Post by smalex »

Oh! Well done! Unexpected end to that sentence. It's always the way, sometimes it's hard because you're going really fast :mrgreen:
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Re: February Fitness

Post by Wiggle »

My PT gave me the following session to do;
250m row with the rest equal to the time rowed x 5 times
10 press-ups, 10 sit ups, 20 russian twists x 3
I know I have to take things slowly/build up gradually but it was ridiculously easy.
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Re: February Fitness

Post by Pippedydeadeye »

I had to look up jack knife, but we were doing those last night in Pilates. A much gentler session than Geek, I’d bet!

I’ve just been up to the park to do the outdoor HIIT session (did my bear crawls indoors first though). I must’ve looked insane taking my kettlebell up the road.

Easy is good, Wiggle? Means you’re ready to level up?
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Re: February Fitness

Post by Wiggle »

I've messaged my PT and get some advice, Pip. I want/need to up my intensity but I know I need to be patient.
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sally maclennane
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Re: February Fitness

Post by sally maclennane »

Argh, I'm at spin again, and its CrotchGuy. He must take every fecking class here :cry:
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Re: February Fitness

Post by smalex »

How annoying!

Did a 40min session today, it was fine
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Re: February Fitness

Post by Edith Bacon »

Is there any way you can check who is running the class before you go, Sal?

I love that you marched down to the park with your kettlebell, Pip! :love:

I walked. My lucky run on the weather ended though - it was a bit showery in patches but the wind was an absolute nob.
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