Homeschooling Help

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Flora Poste
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by Flora Poste »

purple_dress wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:37 am There is the full spectrum of conspicuous parenting going on on our class WhatsApp group from people saying their child has finished all the work by 1030am and that it's not enough, to people quite condescendingly telling others to chill out and that they and their kids are playing in the garden and to 'just enjoy the time with them!'.
Same here :lol: Plus the NEVERENDING sharing of memes and learning resources.
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by smalex »

Flora Poste wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:19 am
purple_dress wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:37 am There is the full spectrum of conspicuous parenting going on on our class WhatsApp group from people saying their child has finished all the work by 1030am and that it's not enough, to people quite condescendingly telling others to chill out and that they and their kids are playing in the garden and to 'just enjoy the time with them!'.
Same here :lol: Plus the NEVERENDING sharing of memes and learning resources.
It's overwhelming isn't it!
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by Cerise »

Yes! My street WhatsApp is at it too!
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by Texaco Shirley »

I’m in an “emergency homeschooling” FB group and mercifully most of the resource sharing is confined to there.
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by Little My »

I have some FB friends I may need to snooze. Day x of social distancing, and we have done ALL THE FAMILY THINGS, plus our kids are really smart anyway so we're just letting them re-write the encyclopedias and dabble in a bit of post-grad physics but only because they WANT to.
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by smalex »

Someone from school is doing a full album of fucking photos per day, with the kids holding up paper saying DAY 3 LOCKDOWN etc. God knows, the inside of my house is boring enough, without the tedium of someone elses.
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by emma_p »

I’m doing a short instagram story every day mainly to share with my family and friends in the US but also so we have a record that this is really real! I fully appreciate how boring it is and am sure I’m on mute for a lot of people :))

I love looking at everyone else’s stories though. For ideas and just to connect with people outside of my household :puppy:
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by Ruby »

It's really brought out the twat in some people.
purple_dress wrote: Tue Mar 24, 2020 12:29 pm Our class WhatsApp group is very unhappy that the teacher isn't going to virtually mark all the work! I can't really see how he can be expected to keep up with that daily though. They are claiming they don't know the answers and can't check their child's work. This is year 3!
I won't be virtually marking anything. :lol: It's completely unmanageable and I've had work sent back so far that has clearly NOT been done by the child - these are is Year 9 FFS!

I mean, I think everyone in these situations needs to manage their expectations. I'm a teacher, working from home, but I've also got the chaps and an old dad to worry about. School servers and home WiFi routers across the country are creaking under the pressure. The work we set was organised in about 72 hours - it's not perfect and it's probably not even half-decent tbh.
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by purple_dress »

A teacher mum on the group has set them straight, Ruby!
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by Cerise »

None of J’s stuff is being marked but some of D’s is. The only thing J is able to mark himself is the maths because the teacher sends the answers. From what I’ve seen in his books, hardly any of it gets marked when he’s actually AT school!
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by smalex »

I said it before but almost literally every kid in a whole generation , globally, is going to have this 'remember when we didn't got to school for 6months' chunk of time. The work they do is meaningless, it's just to fill the time and keep some type of routine. What's the point in sending it back for grading?!
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by olive »

Ruby wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 3:38 pm I've had work sent back so far that has clearly NOT been done by the child - these are is Year 9 FFS!
Who the fuck has time for this?? :lol:

T’s work is still being graded. :ruby:

M’s teacher deserves an award of some sort. How she puts up with that class I have no idea. She’s so patient and tolerant of their endless stupid questions.

She explains almost daily that if you don’t have your materials at the beginning of the class she will give you the chance to go and get them just like at school. Cue some numbskull asking what they should do if they have their materials with them already. Then she’ll say that if you need a bathroom/ water break then just to raise your hand (like at school) and then someone will ask but what if I don’t need to go.

I’ve made M wear headphones as it’s making me angry on her behalf. I feel like a monster as they are only 7/8 year olds. :mog:
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by Squirrel »

We’ve done no work today. After Joe Wicks PE the children did a token bit of sumdog and spelling shed on the iPad. Then they played swingball and stomp rockets, we played a card game, took sandwiches down to the river for a bike ride /dog walk / picnic and now they’re playing in the garden again. The weather’s lovely and my motivation is zero, in line with my teaching skills.

I’ve told them we have to do something from Google classroom tomorrow.
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by Cerise »

Squirrel wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 4:22 pm We’ve done no work today. After Joe Wicks PE the children did a token bit of sumdog and spelling shed on the iPad. Then they played swingball and stomp rockets, we played a card game, took sandwiches down to the river for a bike ride /dog walk / picnic and now they’re playing in the garden again. The weather’s lovely and my motivation is zero, in line with my teaching skills.

I’ve told them we have to do something from Google classroom tomorrow.
That sounds heavenly! I have assisted with lessons on Shakespeare, fossils fuels, multiplying fractions, saturated fats, medieval towns and pronouns.
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by Topcat »

Today was a battle but we got there.

Joe Wicks is proving a bit of a lifesaver, and I never thought I would say that about the twat.

But we've now caught up on all of the missed work that was set, which hopefully means the rest of it will ease off after today. That's maths, history and English plus Rockstars.

She did well eventually, but involved a stint in her room, a huge bollocking and a meltdown over lunch.

Now Minecraft prevails and I can get on with some actual work and in relative peace.

5 more sleeps until lockdown ends...
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by Texaco Shirley »

Cerise wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 4:25 pm I have assisted with lessons on...fossil fuels...
Why do my children never need help with stuff I know about? :lol:
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by Squirrel »

It was very nice, but I don’t know how to get them to do any work when they flatly refuse!
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by Edith Bacon »

I’m quite relieved that the stuff A&E are doing is beyond my level of expertise. And I don’t have the first clue about Google Classroom or Showbie so I’m no use to them on the practical side of getting the work done either, although they seem to be managing fine without my help anyway :))

They’ve decided to follow their timetables and their schools appear to have set them plenty to do in each lesson so all I need to do at the moment is make sure they are fed, watered and walked.
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Flora Poste
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by Flora Poste »

We've had a much better day today - now I have a better idea of the sort of thing they are being set, and that C's design project is actually meant to be done over the week rather than getting something like that everyday, I've managed to divide my time better and we managed to get all the academic stuff done this morning and are amusing themselves this afternoon.

But I have no idea how C's teacher gets him to produce anything relevant - he has no attention span to speak of. He started his design project today, which is based on a poem. We read the poem, looked at the questions and then I sent him off to plan it. He came back with something nothing whatsoever to do with the bloody poem :mog:
Last edited by Flora Poste on Wed Mar 25, 2020 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Homeschooling Help

Post by smalex »

Our day wasn't too bad either, apart from an argument over a spilt glass of water. The weather is SUCH a blessing in this (read: I can boot himself for breaks)
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