Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

Thanks. We've kind of done shifts a bit so I've had an hour or so and will have more during the day hopefully.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Ismee »

That must have been scary, Ken. I hope they're both ok and you get some sleep.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Rhodonite »

That must have been so scary, I'm glad it's nothing serious. How is he doing this morning?
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

He's definitely better, and temperature is much lower. He's still very unsettled and just wants to be cuddled really so we're just having a quiet day.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Leap »

What an ordeal, Ken! I’m glad his temperature is lower. Cuddly, low key day definitely sounds like the best plan.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

How's everyone doing?

Tim is much better now.

Does anyone have any advice about hats? They have ones with a neck covering and baseball cap front which are great at keeping the sun off but Topsy is a terror for pulling hers off. I don't know if a different style would help, or if ones that tie underneath somehow work? She pulls it off forwards* so I don't know if tying under the chin can stop that?

*It's quite amusing putting a hood up on her as it takes her a while to figure out why this technique won't work. :lol:

Also, just wanted to share that I currently want to murder P, because he's started sssshing babies if they wake up and cry. It might be vaguely helpful if I was asleep and he was dealing with them, but so far tonight it was twice when I was actually holding the baby. I don't know why it winds me up so much, I think because it feels like if he can sleep (because he's not dealing with a baby) he bloody well should be sleeping rather than doing something I can do myself -either go to sleep or just take over completely! Just now it was when I was about to feed Topsy but next time if it's after a feed I think I'm just going to shove the baby over to him completely if he does it again. :verm:
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Princess Morripov »

With hats, I’ve never successfully managed to get Tupac to keep a hat on his head and I’ve not really tried that much with Biggie, but he has just got pissed off too when I have, trying to rag it off :lol:

These are the ones I’ve bought though as they are adjustable to get them to stay on their head and are the ones I’ve had most success with!

Jan & Jul Baby Toddler Kids Breathable Cotton Bucket Sun-Hat 50 UPF, Adjustable for Growth, Stay-on https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07MHDHKKX/ ... XEb6YPVSJW
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Cerise »

i love small children in bucket hats!
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by purple_dress »

Neither of mine would wear hats as babies. J had so little hair even at 1 that we had to suncream his scalp and he looked greasy and sweaty all summer.

Re: the shushing, my tactic would always be a big row to clear the air. I'm not necessarily recommending that though :))
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

Those hats are lovely! If it's a common problem then I don't know whether to give them a go or just resign myself to suncreaming their heads.

Apparently P thought it was helpful as he was already awake. :ella:
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Princess Morripov »

I had some scalp spray that I just used to spray on Tupac’s head before he got too much hair, he had loads of hair though by about 6 months so it just used to all stick together and he looked similar :lol: greasy and crusty, what a summer look :lol:

I think it’s out of date now/can’t find it :)) so I’ve just been spraying factor 50 on Biggie’s bonce. He hasn’t got a lot of hair yet though so it’s less of a crusty look at the moment :lol:
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

:lol: mine both have the hair of a 45 year old man whose thinning is getting quite noticeable.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by F'Artiste »

Kenickie wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 10:44 am :lol: mine both have the hair of a 45 year old man whose thinning is getting quite noticeable.
V had that sort of hair when she was little, and also refused hats :lol: . It caused me quite a lot of stress when we had to go to BIL’s wedding in Italy in a heatwave (and the wedding venue had no shade).

Anyway. I always lathered thick factor 50 (or 100 when I could find it) into her scalp and tried to avoid the high sun where I could, as well as filthy looks from strangers about why she didn’t have a hat on :look:.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Leap »

We've had hat wars here but seem to have overcome them without any kind of influence - one day she pulled off the hat no matter what, the next day it was like she barely seemed to notice we had put it on her. We don't have any shade in our garden after a certain point though, so I only have her out until the sun comes round the house (lunchtime), or in the SPF 50 tent which is mostly useless now she's crawling.

Crawling is our biggest thing here - crawling, and pulling herself up like a jack in the box on everything and anything :lol: She will take steps now if you hold her hands too, and will somehow be turning 1 in two weeks! She is also definitely understanding a lot more - she knows 'turn the page' when we're reading a book together, and will raise her arms when I sing "Hands up, baby, hands up" to her :lol:

For her birthday we've just planned based on assuming lockdown will be ongoing, so I've ordered some balloons for the house and I'm now on my third size of dress to hopefully fit her around the middle (age 2-3) for the all of 5 minutes she'll wear it on the day. With the developments today I do think we should be able to have some socially distant visitors in the garden too, which would be lovely.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Leap »

Oh, god! I'm glad she's okay but mad evenings are just the worst, I hate the huge question mark hanging over everything, worrying if she's going to get enough sleep in the end and also when I can have a nice peaceful glass of midweek wine :look: That's one thing that has improved hugely round here in the last week - I say this tentatively as Hop has form for taking to something enthusiastically for a few days and then ditching it forever, but we finally introduced a bit of a regimented wake/feed/sleep schedule and the difference has been amazing.

I did join and pay for the whole package thing from a company called Little Ones Baby Sleep, but it was recommended by a friend currently using it for her 10 month old, and I was just at my wits' end with not knowing what to do next when she's still waking through the night and her daytime naps were very rarely more than 30 minutes. We started it last Tuesday and we've had far more successes than failures, with an afternoon nap of 1-2 hours most days and a run of successful evening sleeps that don't include 30-45 minute wake ups, tears, mad hours and failed re-settling. She's still waking through the night but I'm hoping progress will come there as she eats more solids (she is doing a bit better with this but it's still very, very slow progress).
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

Oh, poor M and poor you for your lost evening! I hope she has been ok for the rest of the night.

Crawling! I keep getting that little ones sleep stuff advertised at me so I'm a bit intrigued by it. If you don't mind saying, do they have any advice or tips beyond a schedule based on wake up times and some controlled crying? I know I need to start with those two things but wondering if there's any other magic ideas or suggestions or things I'm doing wrong.

Last night was terrible but tonight has been better. I think maybe they were too hot last night. The last couple of days, I've managed to get Tim to nap for two hours in the morning which has been totally unheard of, and Topsy did ninety mins the day before and an hour yesterday. It's lying on me which isn't ideal obviously but a start I guess. It doesn't seem to have made overnight sleep better than normal so I don't know if it needs to be consistent for a few days before it helps?

Tim went off eating when he was ill, understandably with a sore throat, and now it's a bit like he's forgotten how to do it as things go in and then come back out almost immediately. :lol: they both really love Spaghetti though, it totally fascinates them. Topsy keeps holding out each strand between two hands like she's measuring it. :love: Weirdly I've had loads of success with porridge fingers but they've both started refusing them in the last couple of days, of course after I'd just made a massive new batch. :fish:
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Leap »

That is exactly what happens with Hop when I’ve made anything! Huge enthusiasm followed by immediate relegation to Floor Food once I’d committed to a big batch :lg:

On the programme what actually what sold it to me is this one actually states from the beginning they don’t do cry it out at all, it’s much more like Beatrix says. And there IS a potential magical step in it, but not one I would ever have tried without guidance - actively waking the baby when the routine calls for it :twitch: Without a reason I’ve almost never done this, because if she sleeps 90 minutes at 11 am, who am I to mess with that bliss?? But it was predictability I was desperate for, plus some guidance on what sort of solid food schedule looks normal so that we can work towards it.

After a week and a half I’ve added some tweaks as Hop needs more milk than they set out time for, but it definitely has changed things significantly for the better. The biggest changes have been:

- Waking her at 8 am
- Waking her from her morning nap after 30 mins
- Always offering her food at the same time slots in the schedule even though she is yet to have more than a food play session at breakfast (I honestly may have abandoned the breakfast attempt completely most days as it’s so wearing to do all the prep and bib wrestling purely to make mess to clear up)
- Giving her milk at the established times

What I was doing before was spending al day watching her for tired and hungry signs, and trying to count backwards and forwards from naps/boob for the next step and it was exhausting. A big part of it all is teaching them to self settle which we had already cracked, but they also provide loads of guidance on that plus there are then resources which you can ask for tailored advice which also really appealed to me.

The friend who uses it has a baby who sleeps 12 hours every night! Which is the only reason I chose this one, I’m sure there are loads out there. I don’t expect to get 12 hours, but she had put a post on her Instagram about the 12 hours with no cry it out, thanks [tagged company name] and I read it bleary eyed at 3 am on the second wake up of the night, so I bought it there and then and don’t regret it :lol:
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

Sorry, I might have worded my post badly as I definitely don't think a schedule means leaving them to bawl their eyes out, or even that cry it out necessarily means that, more than they are two things I know I need to try so was looking for other tips.

Waking babies feels very wrong but if it works then definitely worth it! And the short morning nap is interesting as the sleep person in my Pilates class said they should be doing 9:00-11:00 and then 2-4 which I can't imagine them ever doing. I think I just need to pick something and keep at it really.

I'm glad you said that about breakfast. We've been doing lunch and tea for a while but adding breakfast in just sounds like a big palaver I can't be bothered with.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

We do have a routine but it's quite flexible as I'll adjust it depending on when they wake and then if they have a long morning nap lunch might get delayed so maybe I need to be more rigid. I think that's maybe what you were doing before, Leap, going by awake times?

It's really difficult to get Topsy to do a long morning nap so just aiming for a shorter one and a longer afternoon sleep might be much better.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Leap »

Kenickie wrote: Fri May 22, 2020 10:54 am the sleep person in my Pilates class said they should be doing 9:00-11:00 and then 2-4 which I can't imagine them ever doing.
I've come to the laptop specifically so I could quote this and guffaw :mog: My SIL did the strictest, absolutely rigid following of Gina Ford from pretty much week 1 with both her babies who responded really well, and she still never had anything like two 2 hour naps a day outside of the actual newborn phase. 4 pm also seems really late for a baby to be sleeping and go down well at night, but wtf do I know :))

Anyway, each to their own but I definitely don't think that achievable for most babies or something someone could work towards! The stage I'm following is the 10-12 month guide and the daytime sleep aim is actually just 20 minutes in the morning to support the 2 hour afternoon nap and she has settled into it really well (her afternoon nap is usually somewhere between 1-2 hours, so we'll probably adjust the morning nap if that continues to see if it has an impact).

And yes, I had been letting her wake up naturally in the morning and planning the day from there, and that did work really well for us until a few weeks ago when what I think happened is her wake window was naturally getting longer, and then everything turned to chaos with nap refusal plus the food issues and the mad evenings. I kept thinking that I wished I had a guide, so I was primed for something like this. Lockdown also helps massively obviously, the programme starts off by saying "try to commit to spending a few days at home when first starting out" :))
I think I just need to pick something and keep at it really.
This is definitely it, just whatever works for you.
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