Tuesday in late July

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Tuesday in late July

Post by Marth »

Morning. It's quite warm here already, and I'm in bed drinking tea.

Work in a bit. I've been signed off for a week of reduced hours due to sitting upright on my dining chair to work is doing my back in again. It's going to be 3 weeks until an office chair can be delivered.

I'm going to get up in a minute as Mo is pestering me. :mrgreen:
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Re: Tuesday in late July

Post by speedy gonzalez »

Morning Marth. Hope your back isn't too bad.
Discovered this morning that the freezer part of our fridge-freezer is acting weird. Everything apart from bread, rolls and naan bread is frozen solid in the freezer. However all the bread type stuff is soft.
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Re: Tuesday in late July

Post by Heebie Jeebie »

Morning. I hope the reduced hours will help Marth.

Has the door been left ajar Speedy? Bread is first to defrost, I find, having done that a couple of times recently.

My sleep app work me half an hour earlier than planned today :lg: I should use the time for an extra walk, instead of sitting here drinking tea.
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Re: Tuesday in late July

Post by speedy gonzalez »

Mentioned it to Mr Speedy and he discovered it was slightly ajar yesterday morning. As everything was still frozen he just shut it. I've stuck a thermometer in one of the drawers and I'll check on it later.
Evil sleep app Heebie!
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Re: Tuesday in late July

Post by Penny Century »

Morning! I had to contend with a pestering cat too, also my youngest child who'd had a nightmare, so including the dog it was a very crowded bed, though not that uncomfortable once I'd Tetris-ed my way round everyone.

Sorry to hear your back is playing up Marth.

I'm about to do some exercise in the kitchen but I've been distracted by the pretty views out of my kitchen this morning - it's sunny and breezy and all the trees are dancing.
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Re: Tuesday in late July

Post by Bat Macdui »

I hope your back improves, Marthus McMarthFace.

I am reading the cat invasion stories as cautionary tales. R will be away a lot on work training in September and I am thinking of allowing Pix back into the bed. Though I am also remembering those times she woke me up at 3am by biting my arms to alert me to the fact it might be time for breakfast. :lg:

My stressful week progresses apace, and I have now developed under eye twitch. :lg:
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Re: Tuesday in late July

Post by Cerise »

Probably best not to upset the apple cart, Bats!

It’s Tuesday and the best thing about today is that my children are going to a day camp. :frolic: For the first time since March the something-or-other, they are OUT for five GLORIOUS hours.
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Re: Tuesday in late July

Post by bramblerose »

Pixie 💕

Morning. It is indeed a beautiful morning. I was also woken up by a cat at around 4am. I dozed until 5.50am then get up as we had planned a walk.

I've prepped dinner, cleaned the kitchen and will get a wash on then it's work.

I have some life admin to do today as well so will fit that in around work.
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Re: Tuesday in late July

Post by Wiggle »

Morning All, it's breezy and sunny here. I am back from a 3.5 mile walk which I really enjoyed.
Tom didn't wake me up this morning which made a change. He's currently flopped on the bed in the sun.
Today it's work followed by personal training.
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Re: Tuesday in late July

Post by sally maclennane »

Enjoy the peace, Cerise!

I hope the reduced hours help, Marth. I think lots of people are struggling with back problems at the moment.

I had a sore throat and felt a bit achy last night, but am feeling better this morning although my throat is still sore. I seem to get a sore throat quite often though, I think it must be hayfever as my nose is itchy too.

Just work today, it is a nice sunny day though, I have washing in the machine already!
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Re: Tuesday in late July

Post by Luna »

Sorry for your back pain woes, Marth. It’s very tiring being in pain.

I feel shattered today. My sleep is crap at the moment interspersed with the weirdest most technicolour dreams. Ugh. I am praying the phone is quiet this morning.
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Re: Tuesday in late July

Post by Texaco Shirley »

Morning. It’s sunny, I am about to strip the beds, line dried bedding :perky:

MrTex is taking the boys for haircuts and also taking a large amount of our belongings to the charity shop after a weekend of decluttering. I will have peace and quiet and a relatively clear house. Amazing!
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Re: Tuesday in late July

Post by Estrella »

Tuesday has been a mixed bag. Work was crazy busy, but productive. However one of my team resigned and is leaving tomorrow. She wasn’t the greatest and to be honest I had been contemplating not renewing her contract, but the timing is rubbish and it leaves me a bit in the shit now :ella:
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Re: Tuesday in late July

Post by emma_p »

It does look like a lovely morning which is great as we are heading off on a mini holiday at the seaside later. It is a perfect day for washing but I've just had to slightly damp washing in the dryer so I can pack it.
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Re: Tuesday in late July

Post by Princess Morripov »


I have slept funny on my neck :mad: and I have a two hour team meeting this morning (oooh, who will get started of the month? :weewee: ) so it feels like a crap start to the day. :lol:

Also my car keys have disappeared and I am trying to get Tupac to tell me where he has possibly hidden them and this is proving unsuccessful so far :mog:
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Re: Tuesday in late July

Post by Marth »

Penny Century wrote: Tue Jul 28, 2020 7:29 am Morning! I had to contend with a pestering cat too, also my youngest child who'd had a nightmare, so including the dog it was a very crowded bed, though not that uncomfortable once I'd Tetris-ed my way round everyone.

Sorry to hear your back is playing up Marth.

I'm about to do some exercise in the kitchen but I've been distracted by the pretty views out of my kitchen this morning - it's sunny and breezy and all the trees are dancing.
I've just spotted your avatar. Our first London cat was called Hopey.

ETA and your name (DUH). I'm not so observant.
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Re: Tuesday in late July

Post by Penny Century »

oh that's lovely Marth! I was a late adopter, I only started reading the comics in my thirties, decades after most of them were written. But I love them a lot.
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Re: Tuesday in late July

Post by Dandelion »

I hope you get Star of the Month, Pov! :fc:

Enjoy the seaside, Emma. What a nice way to start the school hols.

Today I will find out if I have scored highly enough to be marked as ‘safe’ in the redundancy process at work. I don’t know if this would be a blessing or a curse so I am trying to be zen about it. It’s just annoying having to constantly refresh my emails! They better send the letters out this morning and not drag it out.
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Re: Tuesday in late July

Post by Jupiter »

Good luck Dandelion. I hope you are happy with whatever the decision is. I knew mine was coming but was still sad briefly when it was made official.

Pov, have you checked down the side of the couch for your car keys? E's always end up there for some reason.

Today is going to be very busy in work as it's quarter end. I haven't been part of quarter end for four years so it's a bit of a baptism of fire at the moment. I feel like I'm just doing a lot of fly swatting. Still, only four days until a long weekend!
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Re: Tuesday in late July

Post by Princess Morripov »

They have been located. After a lot of suggestion and laughing from him saying that he had put them down the drain on the street outside the house :panic: he said they were in the garage and it turns out they were. Phew :lol: weird though because it was A who had put them in the garage when he’d been working in there yesterday so it was just a lucky guess :))
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