Time For A Change

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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Rosa »

You are not an idiot, Skips! If there's no further flexibility with the new job, simply confirm with your current employer that your last day of work will be 17th. They deserve nothing more.
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by rosy »

I agree with Morgs. What would they do if you were off sick at month-end?

If they don’t have contingency plans, that’s on them, not you. When I left my bullying boss I bent over backwards, extended my notice period to train the new person, shadowed her for the month end and everything, and my ‘reward’ was that a couple of months later when I wanted to take a part-time job, the boss refused me a reference so I had to stay temping. You don’t owe them anything.
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Ella »

smalex wrote: Tue May 04, 2021 3:03 pm Skips, STOP. You're not an idiot. Your existing employer is trying to guilt you into doing something which makes their lives a bit easier. They couldn't give a shit about your new job, or you, as they've proved several times before. If there is no flexibility in the new start date at all, then tell your existing job what day you're going, and GO.

Nothing will ever change for the better otherwise.
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Skips »

I'm not going to miss my start date, I will probably stress about the rest though. I did say to J that I should have just brought everything in today and left it on my desk and never return (they've paid me up to the end of April).

I've got seven days holiday I think (I used a holiday calculator which said 10 but I've used 3 so far this year) so that would take me up to the 27th. They only mentioned month end which is likely to the be 26/27 or 28th.
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Ella »

They weren't prepared to invest in you properly, so they'll have to handle month-end the same way they would if you'd been hit by a bus. Tough shit for them.
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Edith Bacon »

There is only one idiot in this situation, Skips, and that is the employer who knows full well that you have been looking for another job and yet still left themselves exposed for the month end. Honestly - you could not have been better about forewarning them but they treated that information with the same contempt that have treated all your requests for progression. They are the very definition of stupid and deserve to suffer the consequences of their incompetence.

Congratulations on the new role - you will be excellent at it and they are incredibly lucky to have you!
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by bramblerose »

Do NOT promise to go back in for month end.
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Toast »

I agree it's on them, Skips but if it makes you feel better, could you document the process for completing month-end and save it on your intranet or local server so that it's there for someone else to follow?

And congratulations on the new job!
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Skips »

I will (and was planning to) do a full handover document. Most of what I do can be shown live, and month end items can be shown too (up to a point) but the bits we can't do are the same as some other things I do (different run codes/dates) so it's not exactly rocket science to work out/do.
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by lazzbo »

It's not your problem, Skips. Don't let them put this extra stress on you.
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Lola »

Please listen to everyone, Skips. They cannot force you to work. You could never go back after today & they wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. They might not pay you ;) but they can’t drag you kicking & screaming into the office!
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Lola »

I saw this on Facebook. Totally fake but still true :mrgreen:
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Margo »

Absolutely what everyone else has said Skips - give them a leaving date and stick to it. Everything else is not your problem at all!
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Shoe »

Fuck them, Skips. You're way more important than keeping them happy!

I applied for, got and turned down, a carer job. I just couldn't make the finances work. It's definitely an appealing choice though and something i'd have enjoyed doing I think so I really hope it works out for you.
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Jupiter »

You are not an idiot! I know it's stressful but stick to your guns.
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Froozy »

Can you have a free (half) hour with an employment lawyer so you absolutely know what your work can and can’t do? Hopefully that will make you feel more secure in standing your ground.

Alternatively go off sick this week and ask your gp to sign you off for as long as you need.
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Marth »

I would maybe write them a very nice (Pass agg) letter:

....you hope they will be understanding and allow you to slightly shorten your notice period as you appreciate they have listened to your concerns in the past but sadly they were unable to manage your workload (I can't remember the details) despite their commitment to do so, but of course things are not always straightforward, and sadly you passed up a previous job offer due to the notice period, and given all that you know that they are now committed to assisting you to be able to move forward onto this new role... Blah blah blah
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Livilla »

In your shoes I would just tell them I’m finishing then, and they’ll need to sort it out. Alternatively, go to your doctor, tell them that your work has already frustrated one new job offer by refusing to allow you to go early, and now are threatening to do the same again as they have taken no steps to cover your role despite knowing that you were looking to leave, and the prospect of this happening again is causing you severe anxiety - can you be signed off now please? And then just tell them you won’t be back.

Not working your notice period is a breach of your employment contract. You won’t be paid for the period you don’t work, obviously, but they can’t dock your pay for the time you have worked before leaving to make up for that. Their only real remedy would be to issue court proceedings against you and seek the pay for the period you should have worked as damages. Which is, to be honest, unlikely in the extreme - the court filing fees and lawyer’s fees would likely cost more than they would be claiming from you. They can’t force you to stay for the month.
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Lily »

Livilla wrote: Tue May 04, 2021 7:39 pm In your shoes I would just tell them I’m finishing then, and they’ll need to sort it out. Alternatively, go to your doctor, tell them that your work has already frustrated one new job offer by refusing to allow you to go early, and now are threatening to do the same again as they have taken no steps to cover your role despite knowing that you were looking to leave, and the prospect of this happening again is causing you severe anxiety - can you be signed off now please? And then just tell them you won’t be back.
Do this. You are being put under enormous pressure Skips and for what? for a job you don't like, for a company who have treated you shoddily? congratulations on the new role - I think you'll be perfect for it.

Honestly, they are complete bullies. You need to stop caring about them and doing the job far better than you should do. They do not care about you and as Liv says you already lost one job. Don't let them do this twice. Stay strong. I know it's hard but YOU CAN DO THIS. A woman at my last job had to give literally about 1 day's notice; they were cross but they just made her pay some of her wage back and that was it.
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Estrella »

I’d absolutely do what Liv suggests too. They’re no way going to take you to court over this. Finish up in time to start your new job. You owe them nothing, it’s their failure to plug this single point sensitive gap they have (and have failed to fill despite knowing you are looking to leave). They are being completely unprofessional in the way they’re pressuring you. Stand strong. You have the support of many Turtles behind you.
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