Rostering System Recommendations

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Rostering System Recommendations

Post by Dandelion »

Hello! I am hoping the Hive Mind can help out with this one. Over the next 12 months my team will be growing from 11 to 50. Currently our rota is done on a Google Sheet but this isn’t practical for such a big number of people.

I have downloaded a few free trial apps - Deputy, PlanDay, Cloud - but they seem very focused on shifts, clocking in and out and pay and are quite Americanised.

I just want a simple system that will show me all the employees and all the dates with their shifts colour coded (ie. early / late / lieu day / annual leave)

Like a spreadsheet but easier to manage.

Any ideas?
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Re: Rostering System Recommendations

Post by bramblerose »

I haven't used it but there's something called Shifts in Teams if you use Teams or you could set up a Google calendar, possibly.
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Re: Rostering System Recommendations

Post by sally maclennane »

I can't help as we use a spreadsheet which is not great but I can't be bothered looking for alternatives. What I will tell you is that you will spend hours crafting a rota, ensuring that everything is covered, everything is fairly allocated, you have accommodated all leave requests/working patterns/hospital appointments etc. Then when you send it out, you'll get a million emails back saying stuff like "but I wanted that Friday off on leave" and "why do I always have to cover on a Monday" :ruby:
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Re: Rostering System Recommendations

Post by Dandelion »

:mog: Yep, plenty of that happens already with a team of 11! I say ‘speak now or forever hold your peace / find someone to swap with yourself’ before I go and lock it all in now.

We are more Google than Teams, but I will have a look, bramble, thanks!
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Re: Rostering System Recommendations

Post by Bobbins »

We use PlanDay at my place and while I absolutely would not recommend it as an HR system for a complex organisation, the teams are finding the scheduling side quite good. You can set up different shift types to suit your needs and colour code them for ease. You don’t have to use the clocking in/out side of the system. The setup is quite restricted but if you have reasonably simple contracted hours then it should be fine.
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Re: Rostering System Recommendations

Post by Dandelion »

Thanks Bobbin. This is one of the free trials I am testing at the moment.
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