Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by smalex »

Happy birthday (late!) To T&T! My nephews are at PPW yesterday and today!
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Rhodonite »

Happy birthday, Topsy and Tim! I hope they have a brilliant day at Peppa World!
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Leap »

Happy belated Keith day to Topsy and Tim! I am leaving that bizarre autocorrect :lol: If only there were a Keith world you could’ve taken them to.

I loved seeing your fb pics and I’m so impressed by the cake! I hope you all had a lovely day.

And great news Bea on nursery settling in!
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

I listened out for Bristol accents but didn't hear any, Smal. ;)

Keith day. :lol: How are your lovely girls doing?
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

Mine definitely aren't tiny if yours aren't!

We have a mixture of complete adorableness and terrible tantrums. :lol: It's so fascinating to see their language developing and hear how their brains work. Topsy's speaking is a bit further ahead than Tim's but I think she's also got a tendency to be a bit chattier. She also loves to tell people off - so eg this morning Tim was bashing his milk cup to make it spill and I reminded him that 'milk is for drinking' and Topsy immediately said 'oooh, look at that, Tim is making a big mess! We must not bang our cups like that! We must drink our milk!'. :lol: Apparently she does it in nursery too and has to be reminded that she is not in charge. ;)

Tim gets really attached to different things. At the moment he is loving a little blue plastic cart, so it's the first thing he grabs when he gets home and then runs up to me 'look what I got mummy! A cart!'. He also loves a Peppa Pig World leaflet and even took it into the music class I take them to as he refused to leave it in the car. :lol: :love:
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

:lol: I hear you on that last bit. I have many times had to point out that not everyone likes being sat on/grabbed/something rammed in their face even if it's meant affectionately. ;) The other day Tim didn't want to join in Topsy's game so she bashed him over the head with a shopping trolley. :lol:

They both sound lovely, and it's nice that they're so different. It's great to have a cuddly one although a bit of independence is good at times!
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

Brilliant, well done A! I hope she has lots of long nights to recover from the exertion.

I think either we need another thread or just use this one until they're all about 25. ;)
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

Wow that does seem fast! Did she get into the one you wanted? Is she excited?
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Leap »

School! Unbelievable! When does she get her wee school bag and shiny patent shoes? :love:

And well done A! Did you feel quite relaxed about it after M, especially with how mobile she’s been in the meantime?

We are only now planning to start potty training Hop this weekend. By the book I have this is massively “late” (she will 3 next month) but I just haven’t had either the interest or capacity until now. Without Skip, we would’ve gone for it closer to her 2nd birthday, but the newborn stage made it feel like madness to take it on, and then just as we were planning it earlier in the year, we’ve had a horrendous run of whole family sickness bug and then mystery dietary issues with Mirren which led to months of hourly wake ups overnight :twitch: which has left me in survival mode until the last week or so.

It seems she has a dairy intolerance, so we’ve both been dairy free :cry: for about a month now, and I’m letting that continue while I finally get some sleep before approaching any reintroduction. The HV has been helpful but limited and I just need a breather of normality for a bit. She is otherwise doing great, she’s 9 months old next week and on 3 solid food meals a day so the last few months of horror sleep have probably been a mixture of the food issues, 8 month sleep regression, the stomach bug, learning new things and the occasional moon being in mercury or whatever. I just know for the moment that any sleep shift where I get more than 2 hours, I am massively thankful.

Hop is a delight, for the most part ;) and only in the last few weeks has shown the first glimpses of jealousy/rivalry with Skip which feels like a good run. Ken’s description of T&T’s interactions are very familiar!

Here are two recent pics (we dropped the mattress on Skip’s cot right after this happened!).
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Leap »

It’s amazing when you start to see yourselves in them :look: Did I say amazing? I meant terrifying :lol:

That’s so reassuring about the potty training! The book I have (it’s Oh Crap! Potty Training) is a bit scaremongery about going beyond 30 months, but it’s very Americanised and I get the impression the author’s experience is based on parents who have left it this “late” for other reasons :vague: As in, paying to see her as a potty training expert for an untrained older toddler, she’s probably dealing with the aftermath of multiple failed attempts and savvy 3 year olds digging their heels in. The 3yos who get it first time wont darken her doorstep.

I’m hopeful/confident it’ll be fine, but we’ll see. Like you, I definitely see us doing it much sooner than this with Skip, as we continue to reap the benefits of the second time around experience. And on that note, I’ve fully purged the house of all outgrown baby clothes, plus things like the Moses basked and my maternity clothes. Tomorrow I’m giving a friend my remaining pregnancy tests from 2020 (still in date, just!) and C is on the waiting list for vasectomy. We are DONE :)) We do have 2 embryos on ice that we continue to pay storage for, but that’s a harder call to make for obvious reasons. I wave to them when I pass the clinic, and that feels weird but fine.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Princess Morripov »

Leap, we are completely done and A was very quickly snipped post Biggie but we still pay the storage every year for our remaining embryos as it just feels like too final a decision to make. It’s really hard to articulate but I know how you feel there. I even signed all the forms to destroy them a couple of years ago and when it came to A signing them he had a wobble and then I felt it was oddly wrong too for no reason really. Anyway, we’ve decided to just keep paying for them until I could be sure I definitely wouldn’t be able to use them :granny: as that would remove the decision then.

Biggie has had his place confirmed at Tupac’s school to start half days in September, and he has started to transition out of always wearing yellow wellies by branding all his other shoes as a superhero theme :mog: so he has white Captain America trainers, black Batman shoes and brown Thanos boots :mog:

I found with toilet training if you start too early it’s far harder to crack, and they usually tell you they are ready by starting to want to take off wet/dirty nappies etc. Also we had a musical potty that sung a song when you “flushed” it which was quite a motivator :mog: Hope it’s all stress free!
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Leap »

We have that potty! My brother brought round their surplus once their kids were done and one of them is the musical one. She's seen the other ones kicking about, but that one has been hidden and will be revealed tomorrow. Did I mention it's our 6th wedding anniversary tomorrow? We know how to celebrate :lol:

As long as Biggie has a system :)) How do you think he'll be? And how old does that make Tupac now?!

I think we're also in line for paying just to postpone the finality of the decision. I can get right up to the edge of it, but never over the line. I 100% do not want another baby, but I can't actively decide to remove all possibility. They must make a fortune out of "complete" families!
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Princess Morripov »

They must! We absolutely ABSOLUTELY definitely do not want any further family extension :lol: but it’s really weird because when you throw in some horrible imaginary unthinkable scenarios it makes you overthink everything and 🤷🏼‍♀️

Tupac is 4, he is 5 in August so he is the youngest in his school year (but weirdly he is the tallest in his class despite being the youngest) .

I reckon Biggie is really ready for it too, he is also enormous and a massive chatterbox too, at nursery they always say that they forget he’s the youngest (27 Aug) because he is quite a lot louder/chatty than the rest of his contemporaries. Also he is dead shouty and does some brilliant evil eye so I just feel judged always :lol:

He hasn’t had his hair cut ever yet though :lol: his hair has grown so much slower than Tupac. He has got loads of hair now but it’s dead curly so less obvious how long it is, and Tupac had the same (curly initially) but his is dead straight now.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

Good luck with the potty training, Leap, and I will just copy whatever you do. ;) Nursery have been saying Topsy has been ready for months, and they're probably right, but I have not been ready to bother during the winter. I'm thinking it will be much easier in the summer, with fewer layers to wash etc.

I thought I'd feel totally done during this pregnancy but it's not the case yet. P is definitely, definitely done though. And I'm sure I will be once the newborn whirlwind actually hits. :lol:
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Leap »

Well, didn’t P feel similar before and yet look where you are now :))

I can tentatively report that she absolutely smashed the first day, so if anything I’m feeling quite glad we waited till now rather than fighting the various battles the author has outlined in the troubleshooting guides. This isn’t *oh my god what is that word for boorish self belief*, I’m sure we have loads of ups and downs ahead, I just mean a lot of the challenges outlined are definitely for kids who are younger and therefore less verbal, aware of their bodies blah blah. The whole aim of the first stage is to eventually get her to the stage where she can pee on the potty/loo even if you have to whisk her there mid-stream, and this morning Hop just sat on the loo and said “I feel it!” and then peed :lol:

We had one accident in the garden but the rest of the day she would just suddenly stop playing, sit on the potty and pee when she needed to. It helped to know her bowel schedule as she needed a bit more cheerleading for that, but that was a success in the end too. Anything after this point is clearly going to be a will issue rather than skill, so it’s good to have knowledge of that banked for when she starts to push back.

If it wasn’t for Skip and my terrible memory I’d probably be popping the book in the post for you once we feel like we’re done, but that probably doesn’t meet your timeline anyway. I do think it’s a good resource and I like having something like that to guide me and then refer back to, so if you see it kicking about I’d say it’s worth the look.

https://www.waterstones.com/book/oh-cra ... 1501122989
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

Thanks, will definitely give it a read!

Sounds like she's doing really brilliantly, and has definitely got the understanding for it. I hope it continues to go very smoothly.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Princess Morripov »

Ahh well done Hop!
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kleio »

Bumping this to ask advice on what babies need in neo-Nates.

My friends have had their baby 3 months early and she’s a tiny 1lb little gem. They’ve asked me to make a blanket (which I’m doing) but my Mum wants to add some things to it so we can handover a bundle.

I realise this early she’ll only be in a nappy and blanket but will grow so what is needed? Tiny hats? Cardigans? What sort of weight do they start wearing clothes?
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by F'Artiste »

Hats and lots of blankets will be useful. Cardigans depending if she’s in a heated cot - she might not be dressed in anything more than a nappy if so (V wasn’t premature, but spent a month in NICU, and the first couple of weeks she was in a heated cot, so was just in a hat and nappy).

Wool blankets - they changed these quite frequently when V was there, but the hospital didn’t have anywhere to wash the blankets so I’m not sure what happened to them (we were given one when she was discharged).
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kleio »

All the pictures I’ve seen she’s only in a nappy so it must be a heated cot.

I’ve already got the blanket underway, they want a specific one so I hope they get to wash it and keep it.

I’ll make some cardigans/hats for when she’s a bit bigger.
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