Friday Funday

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Friday Funday

Post by Luna »

I hope it is for you all.

I’ve walked the dog, been to the shop and had a cuppa. I’ll pop a wash on in a bit. A friend might drop in for a catch up and I’m hoping to sit in the sun for a lot of today. I’ve also looked at getting tickets for the Van Gogh experience as it’s coming to Brighton now but thinking £50 for two is pricey.

Happy Fridays 😀
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Re: Friday Funday

Post by Wiggle »

Morning! and Happy Friday!

I am back from class; another good session so I'll take thanks as a win. Just another Friday for me and hopefully an early finish.

Today is Tom's gotcha day; we have now had him for 9 years and he's still as ridiculously lovely as ever.
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Re: Friday Funday

Post by Marth »

Morning all.

I'm up cutting out a pattern to make some trousers. I need to pop to the supermarket in a moment to post a couple of parcels and get some provisions. I need to sew a door screen for the back door to act as a fly preventer. I have a sari I bought in India 25 yes ago so will use that :))
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Re: Friday Funday

Post by Cerise »

Morning all. I have a disappointed child off school due to a back muscular injury that had us in A&E for a couple of hours yesterday while they investigated a potential kidney problem. It is the only school trip of the year today and he’s missing it because he has to rest.

Instead I’ll be taking him to a networking meeting at the local football stadium so he can nose around a little behind the scenes to cheer him up.
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Re: Friday Funday

Post by Bat Macdui »

Morning. Happy Tommiversary, Wiggle. :)) I recently vetoed Tatton Flower Show on grounds of 'it would be nice, but not £60 for two of us nice.' :))

I am taking my Mum to Capitalism* today, so she can waft around the Seasalt bit in Marks and I can try on bras. I confidently predict by 2pm I will be exhausted. And probably stuck on the M60. :look:

*The Trafford Centre
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Re: Friday Funday

Post by emma_p »

Oh no Cerise. I hope he's not too disappointed.

I'm going to Chelsea flower show today and I'm so excited! I've never bought tickets because of the $$$ but basically manifested a work trip there. I hope I don't fall off my shoes :look:
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Re: Friday Funday

Post by bramblerose »

Morning. Happy Tom Day!

I have been to the shop to drop off a Vinted parcel, picked up a couple of breakfast sandwiches and am now ensconsced in the cabin with a ton of work to do.

I have a mammogram this afternoon ( :woteva: ) then I am out with friends for dinner. I am leaving C to do a load of wood priming later.

I hope your boy is OK Cerise.
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Re: Friday Funday

Post by Luna »

Lovely day for a bit of Chelsea Flower show. Trafford centre not so much - thoughts and prayers Batters.
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Re: Friday Funday

Post by Bat Macdui »

Oh, I missed that Cerise, I hope he's okay and consoled by networking.

Happy flower showing, emmap. I shall look out for you hanging about behind Monty on BBC2 later. :)) Make sure to wave a 'Hi Bats' placard, won't you? :))
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Re: Friday Funday

Post by Duophonic »

Happy Tom day!

It's dry but dull here, yesterday was glorious! My boss is off so I'm skiving, I've yet to do a stroke of work and may not start as I'll be taking Innes out for a walk in 30 minutes :))

The Chelsea Flower Show sounds fab.

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Re: Friday Funday

Post by Epponnee Rae »

Morning all, and happy gotcha day to Tom! Will he be having treats? Please share pics of the flower show, e_p! I am gutted I couldn’t get tickets for me and mum (again)

I am a wee bit tired. I finished my last call at 10.45 last night and crashed out before 11.30 but was awake on and off in the night and properly around 5am. I laid awake for a couple of hours then obviously fell asleep again until 10 :panic: so much for my morning run on the river :lol: it is a lovely sunny day though.

Anyway, I managed to have a decent hotel breakfast, including fruit for health and am now at the coffee shop around the corner having a proper flat white, thank god. I technically have today booked off but have one call late afternoon, so am debating heading to the office for a couple of hours once I’ve checked out.

I’ve got to schlep my stuff over to my mums at some point today and I need to buy a card and wrapping paper for my brother.
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Re: Friday Funday

Post by sally maclennane »

Hello all. I'm off work today which is great. I booked it at the last minute when my one meeting was cancelled. I've been out for breakfast and then I went to get my hair blow dried. I'm now home with a second load of laundry in the machine - the first load has been out since 9am!
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Re: Friday Funday

Post by Hazey_Jane »

There are some nice days on here apart from poor J or D missing the school trip. But probably Tom is the biggest winner.

Today was my last day in my current role. Did some work for three hours in the morning, then went for a doctor’s appointment then in to the office to return my equipment and clear off my desk and now I’m on my way home with a beautiful bunch of flowers.

Then I think I shall get quite pissed at the pub.
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Re: Friday Funday

Post by Cerise »

Sounds fair, Hazey.

It’s D and he’s much better today for the rest.
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Re: Friday Funday

Post by Wiggle »

Sounds like a good option Hazey. When do you move and start the new job?
Tom is already a pampered little prince. It's fish burgers with onion rings for dinner tonight. So I am sure Tom will come looking for a few pieces and will obviously be fed by hand.
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Re: Friday Funday

Post by Hazey_Jane »

After a week of holiday next week! :frolic:
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Re: Friday Funday

Post by Little My »

Enjoy your celebrations, Hazey.

The image of Tom being another bloke has stuck with me, so this thread has had me chuckling. (Was it Tabitha that started that?! :)) )

Today is gloriously sunny. I am in the doghouse for having accidentally thrown out my child's tooth before he could leave it for the tooth fairy. To be fair, he had scrunched it up in a tissue and left it on the back seat of my car.. He lost it on stage in the middle of a show, so at least he has a good story out of it even if he got no coins.
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Re: Friday Funday

Post by Wiggle »

Little My wrote: Fri May 26, 2023 3:50 pm The image of Tom being another bloke has stuck with me, so this thread has had me chuckling. (Was it Tabitha that started that?! :)) )
Yes it was Tabitha :lol:

I wouldn't mind but he was TomCat for a long time to avoid confusion, because we knew a lot of human Toms. Looks like I'm going to have go back to this to avoid you all thinking I'm in some sort of polyamorous relationship! :))
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Re: Friday Funday

Post by emma_p »

Oh congratulations on your last day, Hazey! That sounds like a good send off.

I loved the flower show - can't believe I've never been before! I'm definitely going to go back. Without LA colleagues making me take photos of them posing though :lol:
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Re: Friday Funday

Post by Luna »

I went in 2013 Emma through a freebie :)) and loved it. The queue to see the gardens was a bit much and I loved staring at the alliums in the pavilion best!
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