Time For A Change

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Re: Time For A Change

Post by baargain »

Oh that is great, Lola! Now that is the reaction you want from a boss. I hope it all goes well with your mum.

Well, I have two weeks left! Everyone now knows, and the general conversation after people hear seems to be "shiiit, if Baa is off, then it must be really shit" :lol: and to be fair, it has just got worse and worse and worse at work, so I have timed this all exceedingly well. Almost everyone seems to be looking for other jobs, calls to the speak out guardian and HR are at record levels, and the senior leadership team are just doubling down and being exceedingly strange.

I did my exit interview, and it has been sent to the Head of HR who already knew a lot of the stuff going on (via the speak out lady and the general HR complaints). She's taken the themes out of my exit interview, and is discussing this (plus other feedback/concerns) with the boss of the head of the whole service :mog: we're a massive service in a massive NHS trust, so oh my lord :lol: I emailed the head of HR yesterday to offer to speak directly to her/the big big boss if they wanted to, so watch this space!

I'm half set up for private therapy life, I have a laptop, and a phone, and half a website :)) I'm just waiting on my insurance to be sorted, got to line up a clinical supervisor, and then get myself out there on various registers and referral companies. I am visiting a local place that has rooms for various types of therapists tomorrow, I'm not sure what the f2f demand will be like, but it'll be good to have the option if I need it.

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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Princess Morripov »

You’ve got this, Baa! 💪🏼
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by baargain »

I've already had people asking if they can pass me clients/their family and friends, my supervisor friends in the service are all recommending me to other therapists in the service who are looking to set up privately. I think I should be OK :))
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Beena »

I'm struggling and not sure whether I'm being over-sensitive or there is something deeper going on. I currently work with J and that is fine, we stay professional and have clear boundaries. He's recently accepted an offer with another organisation some distance away, but only an hour by train. It's a good move and I'm genuinely proud of him.

However, since the news broke, there is a general assumption that I'll leave too, with an implicit (and on occasion explicit) belief that it is unfair to expect J to make the commute.(I've had to bite my tongue several times - seriously an hour by train is unfair, but it's entirely reasonable that I'll give up my career and financial independence?). Of course, if an opportunity came up that I was interested in, I'd consider it, but that would have been the case regardless and surely would be the case for anyone?

Colleagues making assumptions is one thing; my line manager is something else. In the last week, there's been two slip ups in public where she's spoken about me as if I've already gone. In private, she's steered the conversation on 4 occasions to general musings about 'my progression' - all my transferable skills if I wanted to look outside the profession, vacancies that potentially might come up that I am not remotely qualified for or interested in, would we rent out the property or sell, perhaps x would be okay as a base as its commutable from y, how she might carve up my job in future - all just thinking aloud, you understand. My absolute favourite was being told that J is going to be so difficult to replace, but there are some really good people in the tier under me so she's less worried there.

I came home in tears most days last week and had a panic attack on the drive into work on Thursday. :perky:
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Marth »

That does sound very disquieting, Beena. Living in London (previously) an hour commute is nothing. It's sort of normal.
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Beena »

We made a 3 hour round trip everyday for 10 years before moving, so yes, it's nothing remarkable. J isn't worried by it.

I'm feeling blindsided, if I'm honest. There were no issues until J was offered the job, they're paying for staff development I asked for despite budgets being tight. I'm probably overthinking, but the comments are getting to me. You can only be told that you're leaving so many times before you realise no-one's asking you to stay.
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by baargain »

The comments would definitely get to me too, it sounds shitty and beyond thoughtless.
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Rebel Pebble »

Have you explicitly said you're not planning to leave? Their assumptions and bias are clearly shit and unless you put an end to it, it sounds like they're going to continue saying stuff and it's going to keep upsetting you.

I'd be tempted to, very breeziiy and ever so slightly pass aggly, say to your manager "Oh, I'm sorry, you seem to have the wrong end of the stick. It's just J who's leaving. Don't worry - I'm not going anywhere, I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear! :george: "

Unless of course you rather WANT to leave now. :uhh:
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Luce »

Surely they can assume all they want but you can’t just assume someone out of employment! Have you corrected them explicitly? I agree that is a very strange for you to have to do!
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Re: Time For A Change

Post by Beena »

Explicitly, bold and underlined, in CAPS. The first couple of times I pulled her up breezy pass-ag, but as she's persisted, it's gone from firmer, to exasperated and now I'm just angry. I can't talk about how it's making me feel without bursting into tears.

Thursday panic attack was the result of telling J how I wasn't looking forward to an additional 1 to 1 she'd pencilled in to discuss 'options'. On Friday, she appeared at the end of the day to air some thoughts about shifting over an area of my responsibility while they are rewriting his job description. The one area I've developed specific expertise in and she knows I don't want to lose.

I don't know if this is thoughtlessness, worry, or if I'm actually being managed out. I'm keeping a list of conversations and plan to dig in my heels for now, all the while quickly plugging gaps in my CV. I don't really know what else I can do.
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