Weight Loss 2020

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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by Mayday »

My salter ones do that too Coo! I forgot about that when I was recommending them. And the difference is always 1.5kg, every time, so maybe don't get those, Marth! Or weight yourself twice :lol:
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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by happyhighlandcoo »

The worst thing is when Mr Coo has just weighed himself and I'm unaware so then feel really excited on my first weigh thinking I'll be 3lbs lighter but that's my actual weight!

I would recommend them, you just need to know the quirk. Or record the higher, first weight each time.
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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by Marth »

I do have to reset my scales every time I get on them. I normally get on first wearing everything and clutching the laundry basket. I then zero them, then weigh. It's a process :lol:

It looks like I have only lost half a pound in the last two weeks, which does confuse me a bit, because I have been sticking to the diet. It's such a head f**k if you are not careful I find.

In a month then, I have lost 6.6lbs, and 2.5 cm from around the largest part of my stomach, and about a cm from my thigh. It's heading in the right direction, but I am a bit disappointed.
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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by Ella77 »

I have to zero my Salter ones by getting on them, then off, then back on again. It was in the instructions.

I think that’s very good, Marth. I’m sorry it’s not what you hoped.
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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by Marth »

Ella77 wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 6:36 am I have to zero my Salter ones by getting on them, then off, then back on again. It was in the instructions.

I think that’s very good, Marth. I’m sorry it’s not what you hoped.
I do think it's good, but really 2lb per week should have been occurring given the staunch dieting I have bene doing, and it's the last two weeks that have confused me. However I am pleased, and I know there can be lags in weight loss. I imagine that it's all the muscle I've been building with my few minutes of low impact hiit I've been doing every day :lol:
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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by Mayday »

That's a great loss, Marth but I know what you mean.

I find it really depressing how much can negatively affect it. Too much salt, not enough sleep, water retention, hormones etc etc etc. I know I've done everything right this week and haven't even lost a pound. It's so unfair. Like the longest, most boring plod ever.
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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by happyhighlandcoo »

It is a plod for me too and it is annoying when you're trying so hard. I've been sticking to around 1300 calories a day, doing 25 minutes on my exercise bike and going for a walk or club yoga and the scales aren't really shifting. But I'm sure they will soon enough. I feel healthier, calmer and more in control (of life in general) and more energised so these things are all positive too.

6.6lbs is quite good. Just think in 2 months that's nearly a stone, in 3 months 19lbs etc. You'll be happy if you keep going in that direction.
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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by Marth »

I definitely feel healthier. I thought I was ok health wise before lockdown, but actually thinking about it I wasn't really, and was accepting limitations and adjusting what I did (downwards).

I was looking at old weight logins on My Fitness Pal and can see I have gone up and down within 10lbs pretty much constantly for at least the last 4 years. (Always trying to diet when I reached the top weight).

It's funny because in Feb 2020 I weighed myself with a view to start dieting (but didn't), and then weighed myself exactly 2 months later in May and I had shot up 10lbs higher than my usual max weight. I'm now back to that max weight and it will feel like a real mile stone if I can get under it.

It is such a plod, isn't it, and I always vow to not let this happen again :ella:
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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by Wiggle »

I weighed myself and I am now nearly at the heaviest I have ever been. Basically I need to eat less and move more. I have started to try intermittent fasting and see how I get on with it. My treat food started to become every day food which needs to stop.
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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by olive »

Marth wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 7:00 am It is such a plod, isn't it, and I always vow to not let this happen again :ella:
Yes and yes, Marth. :ruby:

My diet and portions sizes have always been fine (a hangover from WW about 15 years ago) but it’s my sweet tooth and booze consumption that’s always put my weight about 7lbs heavier than I’d like to be.

I’ve knocked the booze on the head, cut back on sugar massively and am working out at least 5 days out of 7 and have lost 1.5lbs in the past 4 weeks. It’s horribly demotivating but I have to plough on and hope for a loss at some point.

I have to admit I don’t follow a plan, count calories or weigh my food etc but maybe I need to.
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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by maya »

6.6lbs in a month is really good Marth!

Olive do you think you’re eating enough? It’s very demotivating when you feel you’re doing everything ‘right’ but it’s so slow.

I’m 2kg down from when I started paying more attention to my diet 12 days ago. I still have 2-3kg to go to be where I’m comfortable and I’m sure I’ll hit a plateau any minute now but it’s helping me feel motivated for the time being.

It’s a combination of 16:8, reducing sugar (but not cutting out completely), and some form of proper exercise at least 3x a week. Oh and weighing every morning which can be disheartening but really helps me to stay on track...
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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by Marth »

olive wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 4:37 pm
Marth wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 7:00 am It is such a plod, isn't it, and I always vow to not let this happen again :ella:
Yes and yes, Marth. :ruby:

My diet and portions sizes have always been fine (a hangover from WW about 15 years ago) but it’s my sweet tooth and booze consumption that’s always put my weight about 7lbs heavier than I’d like to be.

I’ve knocked the booze on the head, cut back on sugar massively and am working out at least 5 days out of 7 and have lost 1.5lbs in the past 4 weeks. It’s horribly demotivating but I have to plough on and hope for a loss at some point.

I have to admit I don’t follow a plan, count calories or weigh my food etc but maybe I need to.
I don't get anywhere if I don't follow a plan.

I'm sort of doing a weird Slimming World/calorie counting hybrid and I've upped my calories. Mainly because I am really enjoying trying to build some muscle to keep my metabolism up, and strange my aged bones, and I've realised that weight loss and building muscle can be difficult at the same time. So I've upped a bit and trying to eat more protein.

I've checked my BMR and then subjected 500 cals from that. This gives me about 1450 per day instead of the 1200 I was doing. I realised that working out and not eating enough would cause me to lose muscle not gain it.
I've lost another pound and I'm now 8lb down from May the 8th. I properly love my rowing machine. I'm so pleased I bought it.
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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by happyhighlandcoo »

That's brilliant, Marth. Does your body feel different for the 8lbs loss?

I'd love a rowing machine but have no space. I need an attic, basement or garden room to do a mini gym. We've got a folding exercise bike which is good but I do enjoy rowing.

I've lost another lb and that brings me to a BMI of 24.9 which feels like a major milestone for me. I've lost 1st 11lbs in the past year with many ups and downs. This is still probably 10lbs more than I'd like to be so I'm going to try to shift 10lbs, maybe by August for my (hopefully) wedding. 8 weeks, should be doable.
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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by Mayday »

Well done Marth, and to you too Coo.

I have lost 18lb since March, I'd have liked to be a bit closer to my goal but I'm happy with that. I still have a lot to go so will keep plodding on.
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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by ParisGal »

I really want some sweets :mad: I had been buying some "healthy" (without additives or gluten) fruit gums but decided I needed to totally stop as I'm still eating some sweetened yoghurts, occasional baked goods, and my breakfasts are quite often high carb (if not sweet sugary). Plus some dried fruit.

I've been eating nuts as a mid-afternoon snack, but I'm well aware that they're essentially pure calories too :lol:

On a positive note, I've found vegan "skyr" yoghurt which claims to have 0 sugars and is high protein, so I've been having a few spoonfuls of that with the same again of either frozen raspberries or blackberries, which is really nice.
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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by happyhighlandcoo »

Frozen blueberries just on their own are a bit like sweets because they're a bit chewy and obviously fruity. See also mango chunks.
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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by Derek Nimmo »

Also frozen grapes. Intensifies their sweetness.
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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by ParisGal »

I love frozen fruit - so convenient, no waste... especially things like mango or pineapple which are a PITA to prepare.
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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by Wiggle »

Well done on the weight loss everyone.

I've been trying intermittent fasting (16:8) and logging my food on MFP plus finally managed to get it to sync to my Fitbit. It's calculated that I can have 1290calories per day which seems really low. Having checked with my PT it's right. She's going to have a look at my diary to see where I can make improvements.
I'm focussing on loosing 1kg at a time; the total number I'd like to loose seems too daunting. I was skeptical about the fasting but it seems manageable.
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Re: Weight Loss 2020

Post by geek_kitten »

Quite honestly, unless you are really tiny and don't move at all 1290 calories is just not enough. MFP/Fitbit etc are bad for giving unsustainable and unrealistic calorie estimates so I wouldn't trust that - MFP quite frequently recommends that people go below their BMR and that is generally a bad idea.

This is the calculator I use:


With all due respect to your PT, unless she is also qualified to give nutrition advice she shouldn't be setting your calories.