Shred 2019 (also feat. Ripped in 30 & 6 week 6 pack & No more trouble zones & Kickbox FastFix & YogaInferno & KillerAbs)

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Texaco Shirley
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Shred 2019 (also feat. Ripped in 30 & 6 week 6 pack & No more trouble zones & Kickbox FastFix & YogaInferno & KillerAbs)

Post by Texaco Shirley »

A whole new thread feels a bit self indulgent but keeping a diary is the only way I keep going. Anyone else in?

L1D1: We’ve got rid of the DVD player since I last did this so I had to get L out of bed to show me how to work the PS3 :lol: I wasn’t expecting much and by the end of circuit 1 did think I was going to die. Circuit 2 cardio was the hardest I’ve ever found it I think but circuit 3 still has the floating on air feel to it once I’d got through the bastard anterior raises. Surprisingly I actually completed it but my arms feel like they don’t quite belong to me. On the plus side no clicky shoulder.

No word on when MrTex may have another go.
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Re: Shred 2019

Post by Disco »

I can't find my Shred dvd so I've cracked out the Ripped in 30. I'm on Week 2 which I am going to do for longer than a week because my hamstring went ping last week and so I've been taking it very easy. Today I was back to normal speed and my hamstring seems fine.
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Texaco Shirley
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Re: Shred 2019

Post by Texaco Shirley »

Ouch, pinging hamstrings sound painful.
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Re: Shred 2019

Post by Mountain Goat »

Excellent timing. I'm struggling to see progress with running and was thinking I should get Shred out to help with basic fitness. Now I feel like I should do it tomorrow rather than maybe next week, or the week after. :disco:
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Texaco Shirley
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Re: Shred 2019

Post by Texaco Shirley »

Happy to help :))
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Re: Shred 2019

Post by Disco »

It was really painful and sore for a few days but I realised it couldn't be that bad as I had no visible bruising or swelling. I am still taking it slightly easy with side lunges.

I'm glad you've started this thread. I've been dedicated for 8 days but this will spur me on if I don't feel like it.
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Re: Shred 2019

Post by Texaco Shirley »

L1D2: unusually I had time for this between work and picking up L as A’s gone home with his friend from school. The cardio was definitely easier today but strength was hard particularly on the arms. My shoulders feel like jelly (I also gave a twitchy eye but I’m not sure that’s related). Even the final abs circuit was tough going and I don’t usually struggle with abs. I do wonder if I’m even less used to formal exercise at this time of day than evening.
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Re: Shred 2019

Post by Disco »

Maybe your body is just a bit fatigued after yesterday.

I've done W2D2 (it's really D4 of this level but was very modified) of Ripped and flung myself into it wholeheartedly apart from the crow press up things. I can't do them with any sense of form so I am doing my own modified version until I can get my coordination together.
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Re: Shred 2019

Post by Texaco Shirley »

I can’t remember exactly what crow press-ups are but I still shuddered a bit reading that.
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Re: Shred 2019

Post by Disco »

It’s a plank where you dip down on each side into a press up while bringing the same side knee up to the dipped elbow.
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Re: Shred 2019

Post by Mountain Goat »

Same. I didn't remember in detail but just enough to shudder. :))

My day has come apart at the seams so I haven't managed to do it. I could do it now but I've just come in from getting caught in the pissing rain and just want a cup of tea and a sit down. This is not the spirit.
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Re: Shred 2019

Post by Texaco Shirley »

I can’t move my arms properly.
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Re: Shred 2019

Post by Disco »

My abs are making themselves known to my nervous system.
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Re: Shred 2019

Post by Texaco Shirley »

L1D3: well that was hard. I’ve just looked back at the last thread to see when it started getting easier and all that told me was I’d looked at the thread before for the same reason :lol: Still, it looks like I’m in less pain this time round which is something.
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Re: Shred 2019

Post by Disco »

How are you today, Tex?

As I was driving home from work last night I decided to not get ripped and I was glad of that decision upon arriving home as Monk's girlfriend was there so I wouldn't have been able to do it anyway. I think the break did me well though as I had lots of energy for today W2D3(5) and I hardly did any modified moves at all. I did the crow press ups but can't go anywhere near as deep as GM and I did the side lunges with opposite leg raise. I hadn't been doing these - not because they're hard but - because side lunges are my hamstring nemesis. I really need to factor in some hamstring strengthening (lengthening??) exercises to loosen them up.
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Re: Shred 2019

Post by Texaco Shirley »

I was aching when I got up this morning but my legs have loosened up a bit now and I think my shoulders are better than yesterday. I had been considering a rest day today but I think I will push on after all.
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Re: Shred 2019

Post by Texaco Shirley »

L1D4: I think it might finally be getting a bit easier. I’m still doing half press-ups and slightly pathetic squats but it didn’t seem quite so tough. Apart from the anterior raises obv but I suspect you’ll take that as read.
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Re: Shred 2019

Post by Texaco Shirley »

How are the hamstrings, Disco?

L1D5: I’m definitely hurting less during the day but the press ups, shoulder presses and anterior raises are still painful and my shoulders feel a bit like jelly now. I think I need to increase the weight on the bicep curls now.
Last edited by Texaco Shirley on Sun May 05, 2019 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shred 2019

Post by Topcat »

I'm starting this tomorrow.

No more excuses.
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Re: Shred 2019

Post by Disco »

Texaco Shirley wrote: Sun May 05, 2019 9:41 pm How are the hamstrings, Disco?
Not bad, thanks. I've been stretching it a lot walking around the shops. :))

I hope your jelly-ness has subsided now. How heavy are your weights? I'm a complete weakling and only have 3lb ones although I should get some 4lb ones to go up to.
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