Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Rhodonite »

I'm just doing the spoon feeding with the food from the pouch. I haven't given him one, so he can feed himself yet. Maybe I should try. I was mostly doing it as an easy way for him to get used to more flavours.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

I was hoping they'd just sort themselves out with it, but that was probably way too ambitious. ;)
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Princess Morripov »

Biggie started crawling a few weeks ago, it started as a commando crawl (which weirdly Tupac never did) to get a biscuit :lol: and now he’s just all over the show :lol: A was just trying to get him dressed after his bedtime bath and he scooted off naked :lol:

Weirdly he was only sitting really steadily after the crawling though, which was annoying. I remember Tupac sat for ages before he crawled and I could just chuck a load of plastic toys around him and he’d amuse himself for ages.

Ken with the pouches you can freeze them once opened which is really handy to give them a second opportunity to reject them a few weeks later :lol:
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Princess Morripov »

I spoon feed from the pouches too, and just let him feed himself with the other bits and bobs in front of him.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Rhodonite »

That's handy to know about the pouches, as I sometimes think there's a bit too much in them, but they say to use 24 hours after opening.

We haven't had sitting here yet, but J was sitting long before he crawled. I did wonder if it's because I'm not sitting on the floor with Conchie as much, helping him balance. Poor second child, not getting the same help!
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

I didn't know about freeing the pouches! Stupidly I gave them one each so a lot went to waste. To be fair I tried the one they had (chicken and rice and some other stuff) and it was horrible as it just tasted of tarragon.

What finger foods do people do that aren't fruit or veg? I've only done breadsticks, porridge fingers, toast and burger so far for carb/protein stuff they can hold I think so would like to vary it a bit more.

Mine can only sit very briefly unaided, but sit in cushions quite a bit.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Princess Morripov »

Apart from fruit and veg, cheese spread sandwiches get smashed in here. Cheese cut into batons was also a winner. Heinz baby biscotti and rice cakes. You can get baby rice cakes that are fruit flavoured. Plain/wholewheat pasta twists cooked and cooled.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

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If you make omelette thick enough you can cut it into fingers or even just sliced boiled egg. Cheese is a big favourite here, though I've only given it melted so far. I've ordered some of the Ella's Kitchen melty sticks, which should arrive tomorrow. Banana pancakes? I haven't made them this time, but I did for J.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Annabella »

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I became a Great Aunt on 28 April so have sent some stuff and flowers from Marks and Spencer

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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

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Aww that's lovely. Congratulations.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Princess Morripov »

Ah congratulations :love:

Yes, all of the melty puffs/sticks! Ella’s kitchen do loads of different flavours and I can pretend to myself they count as healthy. They are really gross to clean up though. I’d get the puffs over the sticks as I think they last longer (and are similarly priced so better vfm in comparison)
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »


I forgot about cheese. Tim in particular loves cheddar batons so cheese spread sandwiches is a great idea. As is omlette, pancakes and rice cakes. They've not liked pasta so far but I'll keep trying. Boiled egg is a definite no though I'm afraid as the smell makes me gag. :lol:

I'll take a look at the puff things too.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Annabella »

Thank you all I will passing on your wisdom as and the they need it :)
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

My Pilates class today had a sleep consultant come in at the end for any questions we had.

I asked about Topsy, as recently she's stopped wanting to be put down in the cot if she wakes at night as she just wants to be held. The answer was 'let her cry for ten minutes'. I mean, maybe it is that simple, but then it doesn't really seem worth paying someone to come and tell me that. :lol:
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Princess Morripov »

I know not everyone is a fan of CC but that has always worked for me. Generally you can definitely tell between a cry where there’s genuine distress/an issue v. a grumble. I generally ignore any noise and it never hits the 10 mins. I think generally it’s back to silence within 4-5 minutes. It doesn’t happen often now anyway but I’d say with both of them it took a couple of nights to crack and then it was sorted.

If you don’t feel comfortable with that initially you could maybe try going in and just stroking her head a bit? And then transition from there?
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

I've got nothing against controlled crying, but what I didn't say in my post but did in my question to the sleep person is that this is proper distressed crying and ignoring it only means it ramps up and is a real mission to calm her. I've not left it for more than a minute or so though as it's a bit unbearable.

If it's just grumbles I do try and just hold their hands through it and not immediately pick them up. I think maybe I need to do a proper night of leaving them to it a bit more but I need to pick a time when I'm feeling a bit more resilient, especially as they've started waking each other up if you leave them.

I more just found it funny that she had banged on at the start like she had proper magic solutions that she had from her special training and knowledge whereas 'leave her to cry' didn't seem like especially inventive advice!
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Princess Morripov »

I agree, I don’t think there’s any magic solution and it’s almost a bit of a snake oil salesmen situation where I think these “sleep consultants” just take advantage of tired mums tbh. What works for one, won’t work for another, and the only person who knows best is mum/dad. :yes:

I think I’ve just been lucky that CC worked for me quite quickly in both cases but I know one of my friends said her little girl would scream until she was sick and there was no ignoring her at all, and ignoring her just ramped it up so much that it made it much harder to settle her afterwards. And when you are tired anyway, well, fuck that shit :lol:
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

Yep it's definite hints of snake oil!

I think I'm just rubbish with it as either it's tolerable and I can't be arsed with making changes or it gets terrible and then I'm too tired to get tough. So I'm probably not really helping the situation but it's a bit of a vicious circle.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Kenickie »

Well Topsy has been getting a bit better (think she was under the weather when she was sleeping worst) but tonight we had to wake her up to go to A&E as Tim had a high temperature that wasn't going down so the out of hours told us to go. We've just got back and it's getting light and there's lots of bird song so now she thinks it's the day. :lol:

Tim is ok, just a throat infection. The hospital were great. I took both as I didn't know how long we'd be there for and I didn't want to leave Topsy in case she needed feeding. We should have gone into the 'hot' area as Tim had a cough and a temperature but luckily there was a free consulting room so they let us wait in there instead because it was all four of us. The paediatrician was really lovely. She's Romanian and said there's loads of Topsys back home but she's the first English one she'd met.

Tim won't be put down so I don't think I'll get any sleep tonight now but you can't really do anything when they're ill. He just wants to be cuddled poor thing. He was absolutely hysterically crying earlier, it was horrible to watch.
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Re: Tiny Turtle Hatchlings

Post by Jet »

Oh no, I'm sorry for your rough night. I hope you can get some rest while cuddling, if possible. And hopefully you can hand off duties soon and get a nap.

Leaving A&E as the suns coming up is the weirdest thing. I remember after our ambulance ride with L and the subsequent drugs they gave him and him being wired to the moon still at 6am when Mr J and S came to pick up us up being so bizarre.
Half-ten?! Half-ten?! I've never been up at half-ten! What happens?
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