Secret Santa Questions

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Turtle Bean
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Secret Santa Questions

Post by Turtle Bean »

Please add any you would like to be answered.

1. What is the worst present you have ever had?

2. What is the worst present you have ever given?

3. Dark, white or milk chocolate?

4. Traditional tree with lots of tinsel or restrained elegant tree? Or in between? Or both?!

5. Do you like homemade gifts?

6. Would you like something to do or something to look at?

7. Do you prefer something to wear or something to eat?

8. Do you like doing crafts, if so what sort?

9. Do you like tiny hand creams and lip balms?

10. Do you like bath bombs or do they make you itchy?
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Re: Secret Santa Questions

Post by smalex »

I'll go.

1. What is the worst present you have ever had?
An ex bf got me this. It's a plant that comes back to life. I was about 22/23 :woteva: He basically just bought me things from a shop he liked that sold kids science/nature gifts. Other highlights included a crystal growing kit and a small fossil.

2. What is the worst present you have ever given? A rowing inspired art photo thing, for S. He hated it (but was too polite to say, which just became annoying).

3. Dark, white or milk chocolate? White or Milk

4. Traditional tree with lots of tinsel or restrained elegant tree? Or in between? Or both?! Sort of in the middle. I'm not matchy matchy, but most the ornaments have meaning (many of them are collected from holidays)

5. Do you like homemade gifts? Yes!

6. Would you like something to do or something to look at? either

7. Do you prefer something to wear or something to eat? Eat, probably, if it was a choice of those two.

8. Do you like doing crafts, if so what sort? Loads! I can't knit or crochet but I'll have a bash at almost anything rlse.

9. Do you like tiny hand creams and lip balms? Yes.

10. Do you like bath bombs or do they make you itchy? I wouldn't mind them in principle but don't have a bath.
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Re: Secret Santa Questions

Post by Turtle Bean »

That plant might be the worst present any of us have had.
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Re: Secret Santa Questions

Post by Smunder Woman »

1. What is the worst present you have ever had?

Instadad once bought me wind up fighting grannies.

2. What is the worst present you have ever given?

I gave instadad and instagf some shitty sparkly candles I won at a school fundraiser. This was deliberate :)) I don't know if I've given terrible presents, although I probably have.

3. Dark, white or milk chocolate?

Milk or white. Preferably milk with nuts, caramel, or both :)) I hate fruit and/or alcohol in chocolate, not that you asked, but anyway.

4. Traditional tree with lots of tinsel or restrained elegant tree? Or in between? Or both?!

Definitely a Mish mash of random things I love. The only theme is that I like it all :))

5. Do you like homemade gifts?

If they are good :)) SORRY. Yes, I am generally very appreciative of them.

6. Would you like something to do or something to look at?


7. Do you prefer something to wear or something to eat?

Eat. I am oddly sized and shaped, although I do like badges, socks and stuff like that

8. Do you like doing crafts, if so what sort?

No, I am incapable :mog:

9. Do you like tiny hand creams and lip balms?


10. Do you like bath bombs or do they make you itchy?
I like them, especially relaxing ones. I am very fond of an Epsom salts bath to try and get some bloody sleep.
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Re: Secret Santa Questions

Post by Skips »

1. What is the worst present you have ever had? A purple shell suit. My brother wanted one (a shell suit) and my parents used to get us the same things to prevent arguments, rather than individual things we might want. I cried that Christmas.

2. What is the worst present you have ever given? A silver rolo to a now ex. I thought it was a lovely romantic gesture but looking back, it was a bit shit and it lived in it's box in a drawer.

3. Dark, white or milk chocolate? White or milk

4. Traditional tree with lots of tinsel or restrained elegant tree? Or in between? Or both?! I throw stuff at it and hope for the best. There are a couple of sentimental things but mostly it's just stuff I like.

5. Do you like homemade gifts? Yes

6. Would you like something to do or something to look at? either

7. Do you prefer something to wear or something to eat? Something to eat

8. Do you like doing crafts, if so what sort? Yes, I knit.

9. Do you like tiny hand creams and lip balms? Definitely. I have a glut of lip balms though so I have no need for those

10. Do you like bath bombs or do they make you itchy? I like them. I rarely have a bath though so they would more than likely just gather dust.

11. What would you hate to get?

Anything minty, Gin

12. Do you have pierced ears?


14. Would you like jewellery or perfume or nail varnish?

Jewellery and perfume yes, I have enough nail varnish that I never use.

15. Would you accept alcohol?

Wine yes.

16. What about non-alcoholic drinks?

Tea & coffee yes, no cordials or mixers

17. What might kill you? Or cause a rash?

Nothing really. I suffer from contact dermatitis but I don't actually know what causes it.
Last edited by Skips on Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Secret Santa Questions

Post by Turtle Bean »

Please add any extra detail that you want. The questions are a guide.
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Re: Secret Santa Questions

Post by smalex »

Turtle Bean wrote: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:42 pm That plant might be the worst present any of us have had.
I would imagine it's a contender. When my mum asked me what he'd got me, and I showed her, there was pity in her voice :mog:
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Re: Secret Santa Questions

Post by Wiggle »

1. What is the worst present you have ever had?
A computer game that didn't work on my set up

2. What is the worst present you have ever given?
My first attempt at knitted scarf

3. Dark, white or milk chocolate?
Milk or dark

4. Traditional tree with lots of tinsel or restrained elegant tree? Or in between? Or both?!
Restrained elegance

5. Do you like homemade gifts?
Very much so

6. Would you like something to do or something to look at?
Both but leaning towards something to look at

7. Do you prefer something to wear or something to eat?

8. Do you like doing crafts, if so what sort?
Still trying to knit and want to start learning crochet

9. Do you like tiny hand creams and lip balms?
Very much so

10. Do you like bath bombs or do they make you itchy?
I don't have a bath
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Re: Secret Santa Questions

Post by Smunder Woman »

Oh, instadad also gave me a silver rolo one year :mog:
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Re: Secret Santa Questions

Post by Shoe »

I shouldn't be on this thread but I've come to defend the crappy dead plant because I actually quite want one of them. :lol:
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Re: Secret Santa Questions

Post by Ella77 »

I do too :lol:.
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Re: Secret Santa Questions

Post by smalex »

I hope you can appreciate as a fairly young woman, in the prime of life and in the first year of a relationship, it wasn't all I was hoping for :lol:
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Re: Secret Santa Questions

Post by Chicky »

1. What is the worst present you have ever had? A leopard skin watch from my MIL, the watch itself was hideous in itself but she’d also bought exactly the same gift for Mr C’s ex. She also bought me earrings and I don’t have pierced ears.

2. What is the worst present you have ever given?
Belgian chocolate biscuit tin from M&S. They just aren’t very nice biscuits so I bought them as a leaving present for a boss I hated.

3. Dark, white or milk chocolate?
Milk or white

4. Traditional tree with lots of tinsel or restrained elegant tree? Or in between? Or both?!
Tinsel and fun ornaments

5. Do you like homemade gifts?

6. Would you like something to do or something to look at?
Either, although I am not arty or crafty at all.

7. Do you prefer something to wear or something to eat? Something to wear if it’s socks, otherwise something edible

8. Do you like doing crafts, if so what sort? No

9. Do you like tiny hand creams and lip balms? Yes

10. Do you like bath bombs or do they make you itchy?
I never have a bath
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Re: Secret Santa Questions

Post by Pippedydeadeye »

1. What is the worst present you have ever had?

A 1/4 size keyboard the year my sister got a full sized one. Why would we need both? It still makes me quite angry to think about, even though my parents had the very best of intentions.

2. What is the worst present you have ever given?

A charity goat as a wedding gift. It wasn’t given with good intentions.

3. Dark, white or milk chocolate?

Dark or milk, not white (although it’s fine). I like chocolate well enough but don’t live for it. Would be very happy not to receive it.

4. Traditional tree with lots of tinsel or restrained elegant tree? Or in between? Or both?!
No tinsel, but everything else.

5. Do you like homemade gifts?
Only if it’s edible, or so good you could actually sell it.

6. Would you like something to do or something to look at?
Look at.

7. Do you prefer something to wear or something to eat?
Probably eat.

8. Do you like doing crafts, if so what sort?
Haha. No.

9. Do you like tiny hand creams and lip balms?
They’re ok. I have a lot, but they’re always useful.

10. Do you like bath bombs or do they make you itchy?
Instant thrush, so no thank you.

I’m a hugely ungrateful and ungracious person. Sorry.

The plant thing is a bit upsetting. I thought it was a Doctor Who alien brain, or highly dessicated celeriac at first.

11. What would you hate to get? A quarter size keyboard

12. Do you have pierced ears? Yes

14. Would you like jewellery or perfume or nail varnish? IM not sure. Probably not perfume, I have A LOT.

15. Would you accept alcohol? I like wine and gin very much.

16. What about non-alcoholic drinks? I do those. I like coffee & variations on Earl Grey.

17. I don’t think anything sent as a gift could kill me.
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Re: Secret Santa Questions

Post by FiveO'Clock »

Smunder Woman wrote: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:46 pm 1. What is the worst present you have ever had?

Instadad once bought me wind up fighting grannies.

What?! :lol:

I really want the zombie plant.
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Re: Secret Santa Questions

Post by Annabella »

1. What is the worst present you have ever had? Electronic diary from OH back in the day before iPhones and iPads

2. What is the worst present you have ever given? Not sure on this one

3. Dark, white or milk chocolate? Dark or Milk and also like almost all types of flavouring - fruit, nuts, caramel, coconut, marzipan etc!

4. Traditional tree with lots of tinsel or restrained elegant tree? Or in between? Or both?! Anything goes with my tree - I love Christmas tree decorations

5. Do you like homemade gifts? Yes

6. Would you like something to do or something to look at? Either

7. Do you prefer something to wear or something to eat? Eat - hate cheese

8. Do you like doing crafts, if so what sort? Not really but I like to read - crime/thrillers are always a good choice

9. Do you like tiny hand creams and lip balms? Yes

10. Do you like bath bombs or do they make you itchy? I don't have a bath but I do like smelly things in general

11. What would you hate to get? Cheese

12. Do you have pierced ears? Yes

14. Would you like jewellery or perfume or nail varnish? I am happy with any of these

15. Would you accept alcohol? I like wine and gin ad cocktails (all kinds pretty much

16. What about non-alcoholic drinks? I am a coffee drinker not so much tea.
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Re: Secret Santa Questions

Post by Disco »

1. What is the worst present you have ever had?

A book called HIV, Cancer and the Human Retrovirus ... 0465098150

Also a plastic alice band that one could attach a landline phone to so one could be handsfree.

2. What is the worst present you have ever given?


3. Dark, white or milk chocolate?

All of it. I like salty chocolate, with popcorn, pretzels, nuts, raisins, praline. Hate mint.

4. Traditional tree with lots of tinsel or restrained elegant tree? Or in between? Or both?!

Bit of both. Hate tinsel though.

5. Do you like homemade gifts?


6. Would you like something to do or something to look at?

Yeah? - eta I clearly didn't read the question I thought it said would like something to look at? Um, I don't really do anything.

7. Do you prefer something to wear or something to eat?

Eat probably. Depends on what to wear. I don't really adorn myself in jewellery that much for example.

8. Do you like doing crafts, if so what sort?


9. Do you like tiny hand creams and lip balms?

No, not particularly as I've got a lot of lip balms though actually hand cream will always get used because of extreme washing.

10. Do you like bath bombs or do they make you itchy?

They don't make me itchy but I don't like them if they're going to make a mess to clean up plus I don't have baths very often.

11. What would you hate to get?

Mint chocolate. Jelly sweets. Lush products. I hate aniseed.

12. Do you have pierced ears?


14. Would you like jewellery or perfume or nail varnish?

Not really.

15. Would you accept alcohol?

I drink wine, gin and cocktail ingredients.

16. What about non-alcoholic drinks?

Tea (black tea I like Earl Grey, strong normal black tea, rose black tea), water.

Please can posters go back and add extra answers if they have already answered - thank you.
Last edited by Disco on Wed Oct 21, 2020 9:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Secret Santa Questions

Post by Cerise »

1. What is the worst present you have ever had?
Maybe a frying pan? I was about 20 at the time.

2. What is the worst present you have ever given?
All my presents are amazing

3. Dark, white or milk chocolate?
Milk (with added salt/nuts a bonus)

4. Traditional tree with lots of tinsel or restrained elegant tree? Or in between? Or both?!
Everything! All the things go on my tree.

5. Do you like homemade gifts?

6. Would you like something to do or something to look at?

7. Do you prefer something to wear or something to eat?

8. Do you like doing crafts, if so what sort?
I do but I have tonnes of stuff!

9. Do you like tiny hand creams and lip balms?
I rarely remember to use them

10. Do you like bath bombs or do they make you itchy?
No. Can’t see the point in a bath bomb. I like soaps and bubble baths though

11. What would you hate to get?
Boris Johnson

12. Do you have pierced ears?

14. Would you like jewellery or perfume or nail varnish?
Not really my thing

15. Would you accept alcohol?
I’m not a drinker

16. What about non-alcoholic drinks?
I drink mostly water and bong standard tea. I don’t like sweeteners in drinks.

I would like to know:

What might kill you? Or cause a rash?
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Re: Secret Santa Questions

Post by Turtle Bean »

1. What is the worst present you have ever had?

Either the car air freshener from Zirk's grandma or the box of Radox from the man himself.

2. What is the worst present you have ever given?

Sometimes my imagination fails and I get something really generic for someone I do know really well. Zirk never uses anything I buy him but I think that's him.

3. Dark, white or milk chocolate?

Dark or white, not a big fan of milk. I like most things flavouring it. I don't like diabetic chocolate and it is not better for my health. It should be banned really.

4. Traditional tree with lots of tinsel or restrained elegant tree? Or in between? Or both?!

I'm a chuck it all on person and get very emotionally attached to my ornaments.

5. Do you like homemade gifts?


6. Would you like something to do or something to look at?

This is a stupid question actually. Both.

7. Do you prefer something to wear or something to eat?

To wear if it is gloves or socks or scarves. Don't buy me knickers. I like food.

8. Do you like doing crafts, if so what sort?

Yes, mainly paper crafts. I would like to be a better sewer. But I'm not.

9. Do you like tiny hand creams and lip balms?

Yes. And facemasks and small soaps and anything small like that.

10. Do you like bath bombs or do they make you itchy?

I never take baths and my skin is quite sensitive.

11. What would you hate to get?

A normal ornament. I like stuff for me tree but regular ornaments for my house are very subjective and I like no clutter. Also I hate coriander. And vanilla candles.

12. Do you have pierced ears?

Yes. I have three in one ear and one in the other and love tiny silver studs. I'm allergic to base metals though.

14. Would you like jewellery or perfume or nail varnish?

I have all the nail varnish. But the other stuff, yes.

15. Would you accept alcohol?

I’m not much of a drinker these days but I don't mind a drop of gin.

16. What about non-alcoholic drinks?

I like different teas. Otherwise I drink diet coke and water and I am always trying to give up the former.

17. What would kill me?

Nothing much. Poison.
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Re: Secret Santa Questions

Post by Ruby »

1. What is the worst present you have ever had?

Partner buys terrible gifts generally but I feel bad slagging him off. :lol:

2. What is the worst present you have ever given?

York Fruits. I buy them for people I hate.

3. Dark, white or milk chocolate?

Dark. Bitter grown-up chocolate, generally. I'll eat anything though, who am I kidding? Except mint Aeros.

4. Traditional tree with lots of tinsel or restrained elegant tree? Or in between? Or both?!

Hideous, cluttered, themeless, tacky. I bought a Joe Exotic bauble this year, if that helps?

5. Do you like homemade gifts?

Yes. Within reason.

6. Would you like something to do or something to look at?

Please don't give me anything else to do. I need some inactivity.

7. Do you prefer something to wear or something to eat?


8. Do you like doing crafts, if so what sort?

In theory but in practice I've been knitting the same pair of socks for years.

9. Do you like tiny hand creams and lip balms?

Yes. Particularly hand creams because I'm going through a tube a week at the moment, what with all the handwashing.

10. Do you like bath bombs or do they make you itchy?

I do. They don't.

11. What would you hate to get?


12. Do you have pierced ears?

Yes. I'm open to earrings.

14. Would you like jewellery or perfume or nail varnish?

Yes, fine. I have too much nail polish though.

15. Would you accept alcohol?


16. What about non-alcoholic drinks?

Possibly not? Unless you're thinking of a multipack of Diet Coke.

17. What would kill me?

I'm only allergic to Quorn and Elastoplast. As far as I know.
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